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*Shakes head* Everton again.


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3 hours ago, Lurtz said:

What the fuck have they done here? Looks like something a 7 year old has made from lego and botched the last section. 




Maybe it’s for the angrier elements of their fanbase to go to and do wall pushing gestures when we batter them in the next derby? 

I was going to say in next seasons derby but you can’t be sure that there’s going to be one! 

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5 hours ago, Numero Veinticinco said:


Insofar as they all have seats in them, they look the same, but there's a lot of variation. Nobody is mistaking Anfield or Westfalenstadion with the interior of Everton's ground. The cut-away on the away end is particularly grim. 

I did say Anfield and St James park as examples look different.

Most modern stadium are bowls. Older stadium are 4 stands with empty corners. Slight variations on either one but let's be honest you can't do that much different with the inside of any stadium.

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28 minutes ago, Nelly-Szoboszlai said:

Maybe it’s for the angrier elements of their fanbase to go to and do wall pushing gestures when we batter them in the next derby? 

I was going to say in next seasons derby but you can’t be sure that there’s going to be one! 

Just imagine how bad they will be after they get relegated and we draw them at home in one of the cups in 4 years. They'll be like Shrewsbury singing "Where's your famous atmosphere" but doing wallpushing gestures, booing YNWA and smashing up the concourse. 

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1 minute ago, Boomer said:

Most modern stadium are bowls


Right, thought there are even good and bad versions of those. For example, Juventus' stadium is good, even if it's small. It's smaller than Everton's but looks more intimidating. I take your point that modern stadiums are often variations on a theme; I generally don't like many of them and Everton's is certainly not a ground I'd want Liverpool to be associated with. 

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5 hours ago, Reckoner said:

They are moving next to Sandon Dock


Liverpool’s Sandon Dock Wastewater Treatment Works, north of the city centre, was commissioned in 1991, and is the second largest in United Utilities’ (UU) portfolio. Dealing with 950 megalitres of effluent every day from a catchment of approximately 1 million people.


And Wellington Dock


The new £200 million extension to our Liverpool Wastewater Treatment Works, which will keep the Mersey clean for generations to come, is now just over half-way through its construction.

When complete, the new plant at Wellington Dock will serve around 600,000 Liverpudlians, taking away their sewage and treating it to the highest standards.

Where they belong then.

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5 hours ago, Bjornebye said:

I wouldn’t be surprised if they kept the away fans out of view of the cameras like at Goodison. New stadiums seem to do that. Apparently Celtic were asked why they’ve done it when the new Celtic Park was built and they just said it’s nothing to do with not wanting away fans visible it’s just that nobody wants to look at them ugly bastards on the telly twice a season. 

I always think a football stadium loses something when they don’t accommodate the away fans behind a goal. I think it’s a really small time thing to do what the Mancs and especially Newcastle have done by sticking them up in the gods and out of the way. I’m surprised Sky hasn’t tried to force the PL teams to shift away fans behind a goal from a tv spectacle and atmosphere perspective.

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10 minutes ago, Vincent Vega said:

I always think a football stadium loses something when they don’t accommodate the away fans behind a goal. I think it’s a really small time thing to do what the Mancs and especially Newcastle have done by sticking them up in the gods and out of the way. I’m surprised Sky hasn’t tried to force the PL teams to shift away fans behind a goal from a tv spectacle and atmosphere perspective.

I thought that clubs were being forced to put supporters closer to the pitch?


Old Trafford is an alright away section. I think it’s only Newcastle where supporters are intentionally miles away, although Sunderland got like that as well. 

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4 hours ago, Vincent Vega said:

I always think a football stadium loses something when they don’t accommodate the away fans behind a goal. I think it’s a really small time thing to do what the Mancs and especially Newcastle have done by sticking them up in the gods and out of the way. I’m surprised Sky hasn’t tried to force the PL teams to shift away fans behind a goal from a tv spectacle and atmosphere perspective.

It’s ruined the Old Firm. 

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16 hours ago, lifetime fan said:

Reckon it’s from the earlier design to have a single tier ‘lop’ that got dropped. 

It’s very similar to the Millennium. Well that bit is. 



Why do stadiums do that ? rather than have the top tier go all the way around? Looks like they ran out of Lego bricks.

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