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*Shakes head* Everton again.


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3 hours ago, Kepler-186 said:

He’s one of the world’s leading authorities on Spain and the Spanish Civil War. He’s interviewed on Alexi Sayle’s pod and mentions another expert Helen Graham who is also a blue born “a stone’s throw from Goodison Park”. 


Is sayle a blue? He grew up near me and used to live in the same street as one of my mates as a teenager (when I was a teenager, not sayle and he'd moved by then I think, it was the young ones days). Blues and reds there like (my mate is a blue) despite it being almost in the shadow of the stadium. 

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6 minutes ago, Barrington Womble said:

Is sayle a blue? He grew up near me and used to live in the same street as one of my mates as a teenager (when I was a teenager, not sayle and he'd moved by then I think, it was the young ones days). Blues and reds there like (my mate is a blue) despite it being almost in the shadow of the stadium. 

I had his autobiography on Audible recently and I don’t remember him saying he was a Red or a Blue, but he said they’d get in the Kop at 3 quarters time, mentioned the boys pen, as well as watching one side at home one week then going the other the next. 

Open the second front now! 

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3 minutes ago, Kepler-186 said:

I had his autobiography on Audible recently and I don’t remember him saying he was a Red or a Blue, but he said they’d get in the Kop at 3 quarters time, mentioned the boys pen, as well as watching one side at home one week then going the other the next. 

Open the second front now! 

Yeah, there was a lot of that going to both. I went to woodison a lot as a teenager. Sometimes I paid in, loads of times I went at 3/4 time. 


Reds and blues would fight side by side most weeks. How times change. 

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Me arl fella was a red but most of the time watched us one week, the shite the next. Occasionally went to watch us away if he had the spare cash, if not he'd go and watch the shite.


Sayle is not really a football fan from the interviews I've seen, classes himself as neutral.

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8 minutes ago, sir roger said:

My dad was a dyed in the wool Red, but after his wedding my mum and the other women wanted rid of the blokes while they set up the buffet etc. so they went to see Everton play Portsmouth !! 

Crikey! It was a real double whammy for your Dad on that day. It's supposed to be memorable for positive reasons.

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18 hours ago, Creator Supreme said:

Me arl fella was a red but most of the time watched us one week, the shite the next. Occasionally went to watch us away if he had the spare cash, if not he'd go and watch the shite.


Sayle is not really a football fan from the interviews I've seen, classes himself as neutral.

Quite common when I was a lot younger ,fellas would go with their mates. Proud to say I only went to watch us there.

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Years ago, my brother's then girlfriend was taking the kids who she taught to dance to do some half-time "show" at Goodison, so he went along on a free ticket. In the ground, he found two fivers (probably the Arteta money), Ferguson got sent off and Everton lost.

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49 minutes ago, Sut said:

Years ago, my brother's then girlfriend was taking the kids who she taught to dance to do some half-time "show" at Goodison, so he went along on a free ticket. In the ground, he found two fivers (probably the Arteta money), Ferguson got sent off and Everton lost.

Carlsberg don't do perfect days at a shithole, but if they did.....

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Dani Carvahal has won more trophies than Everton. If you take away his international trophies, he's still won than Everton. If you take away Evertons shared charity shields, then things just get silly.

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This Textor character who is looking at them, its a great name that. He sounds like hes Skeletor, but he has an evil old style Nokia with unlimited minutes and unlimited texts that he uses to make other chairmen cry.

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2 minutes ago, redinblack said:

This Textor character who is looking at them, its a great name that. He sounds like hes Skeletor, but he has an evil old style Nokia with unlimited minutes and unlimited texts that he uses to make other chairmen cry.

I heard on the news last night he's now in an exclusivity agreement. 





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38 minutes ago, redinblack said:

This Textor character who is looking at them, its a great name that. He sounds like hes Skeletor, but he has an evil old style Nokia with unlimited minutes and unlimited texts that he uses to make other chairmen cry.


When he's not playing Snake.

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7 minutes ago, littletedwest said:

I'd imagine selling a 45% share of a football club could be a long process. 


He could sell it to Moshiri, give him a taste of what it's like to be involved with a proper club.

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14 minutes ago, Mudface said:


What happened there? Must have missed this earth shattering controversy.

When it opened in April they advertised for the derby to get people to go and watch it. When they advertised it they used a picture of everyone in red and white scarves and red shirts. 


Evertonians took massive offence as usual whenever there's a perceived slight against their relevance and vowed to boycott the place and leave shit reviews on TripAdvisor etc to make it go out of business. 


The Liverpool Boxpark has been the most successful one so far as it is the third one in the country. the Othwrs being in Wembley and Hoxton in London. So their boycott has been completely irrelevant.

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