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*Shakes head* Everton again.


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1 hour ago, Harry Squatter said:

The Mancs offered £40m for Braithwaite but got told they wanted double that. I doubt that they are in a position to demand anything or will they just try to use it as this seasons "we could have sold Richy lar for £90m"?  When they get done for PSR breaches. 

I think they need the cash. 

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If that’s true, the Mancs have got that wrong.


They’d have been far better off negotiating respectfully and offering 60-65 and caveating it by adding that they want it done handily as possible so as not to get into an auction. 

Then you can go down the hardball route of telling them well he wants to come here, our deal is done, you can leave it until as late as possible because he’s assured us he won’t go anywhere else. 

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16 hours ago, Harry Squatter said:

The Mancs offered £40m for Braithwaite but got told they wanted double that. I doubt that they are in a position to demand anything or will they just try to use it as this seasons "we could have sold Richy lar for £90m"?  When they get done for PSR breaches. 


We should tap him up, tell him to hold out for us and then offer £45m the day before their PSR deadline.

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17 hours ago, Nelly-Szoboszlai said:

Kevin Campbell is apparently seriously ill in hospital with kidney failure. 

Christ that’s awful. Very underrated player and always seemed to come across well. Hope he pulls through 

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It's interesting how quiet things have been with them over the last few weeks all things considered. It must be the deepest part of the crisis so far. As far as I have heard, even that mouth piece the Esk has barely said anything. Basically there's been no fanfare to 777 falling out of the process and nothing more than a bloke who legally can't buy them without selling his stake in another PL club. I wonder how long they're up to date in their bills and how long the PL payments see them through. 

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42 minutes ago, Barrington Womble said:

Local news earlier saying there's 2 yank proposals on the table to save them. And the PL TV money will save them for the medium term. It looks like moshiri has absolutely played 777. 

One lead by Hicks, the other by Gillette?

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