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*Shakes head* Everton again.


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2 hours ago, Harry Squatter said:

One of them dressed up as a Rabbi when we played Spurs in 2019. 


Come on, Mal, that's brilliant.  Yes, I wouldn't do it, like I wouldn't run around a pub dressed as a suitcase, but it's funny.


I can guarantee he knew Liverpool would win but did it anyway.  That's mates being funny.


Just to be clear, I hate bantz.  Those miserable brummies having a birthday cake for Gerrard is the height of bantz.  So sad, it's embarrassing.


This is funny because they are a group of mates.

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12 hours ago, Scott_M said:

Pickford doesn’t have the mentality to play for a top club, he’s doesn’t have the concentration levels required for when he’s not involved in games for long periods. 

Unless England are playing completely hapless (San Marino, Faroe Islands etc) unless, he tends to concede - Panama & Iran scored in big tournaments. 

At Arsenal especially, every time the camera focused on him, he’d be doing shit like this…



There’s definitely something wrong with him. ADHD. Maybe even mild Tourette’s. Nobody can be that much of a tit naturally. 

That said, he’s a young lad with millions in the bank so he’s getting the last laugh, the  midget armed little twat. 

If he stays and Everton go down he’ll be welcome in the city for life. 

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9 minutes ago, Barrington Womble said:

Nah, big Nev.... Although I didn't know he was still around in the PL era. 

Neither did I but if you gave me a choice of either in their prime I'm taking Rooney. Mad how their 2 best players have become physical shit shows. Nev obviously by far being the better person.

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4 minutes ago, Bobby Hundreds said:

Neither did I but if you gave me a choice of either in their prime I'm taking Rooney. Mad how their 2 best players have become physical shit shows. Nev obviously by far being the better person.

Nev for a period was probably the world's best goalie. Rooney was never the world's best. 

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2 minutes ago, Barrington Womble said:

Nev for a period was probably the world's best goalie. Rooney was never the world's best. 


How do people know he was the world's best at any given point. In the 80s I'd have to check results on teletext and maybe see highlight reels on match of the day, everything else word of mouth, I know that applies to every player then. Grandiose statements. Even now I'm still hearing from her manc family that Duncan Edward is the greatest football talent the world has ever produced nobody would of come close and ill say "yeah" because im not a cunt the world was robbed of seeing his potential, it doesnt mean its true though. It blows my mind even today with so much football accessible that people have opinions on a player in the bottom half of the French league. So those who watched Neville week in and out and feel secure about what they say then Neville is the right answer but for me it isn't. I hadn't realise he played in the Premier league either and for quite a while too by the looks of it.

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25 minutes ago, Bobby Hundreds said:


How do people know he was the world's best at any given point. In the 80s I'd have to check results on teletext and maybe see highlight reels on match of the day, everything else word of mouth, I know that applies to every player then. Grandiose statements. Even now I'm still hearing from her manc family that Duncan Edward is the greatest football talent the world has ever produced nobody would of come close and ill say "yeah" because im not a cunt the world was robbed of seeing his potential, it doesnt mean its true though. It blows my mind even today with so much football accessible that people have opinions on a player in the bottom half of the French league. So those who watched Neville week in and out and feel secure about what they say then Neville is the right answer but for me it isn't. I hadn't realise he played in the Premier league either and for quite a while too by the looks of it.


We did have televisions in the 80s. People around the game were capable of watching more than one team. And even today, there's no real measure, it's subjective. But Southall was seen as.

 the worlds best beyond goodison park. You can like it or not, but he just was. It's no different to Pele being proclaimed one of the greatest ever. Rooney was never regarded in that class, he was always a tier down from there. A talented player, who had a fantastic career. But was never the absolute top tier. 

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