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*Shakes head* Everton again.


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1 minute ago, VladimirIlyich said:

Unfortunately Middlesborough were docked points in the 90s. A totally different charge I think?


Yeah, they postponed a game at very short notice as they didn't have enough fit players available and lost 3 points. Portsmouth also got docked 9 points when they went into administration- fingers crossed Everton follow the same trajectory as them.



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On 15/02/2024 at 17:36, AngryOfTuebrook said:

Apparently, it will boost the local economy by bringing 1.4 million visitors a year to the city.




That's a 52k stadium filled 27 times a year entirely with out-of-towners.


I'm not the first person to say this in connection with Everton, but those numbers just don't add up.

Also, do the 40,000 or so who go now not actually visit the city to watch them?

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2 minutes ago, Jimmy Hills Chin said:

Also, do the 40,000 or so who go now not actually visit the city to watch them?

The 40000 today all live on county road. They will be taking their tourist dollars to town and then onto the docks. I don't know how you can doubt the uplift to the local economy. Obviously county road is such a vibrant place, it'll barely miss the match crowd going. 

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2 minutes ago, Barrington Womble said:

The 40000 today all live on county road. They will be taking their tourist dollars to town and then onto the docks. I don't know how you can doubt the uplift to the local economy. Obviously county road is such a vibrant place, it'll barely miss the match crowd going. 


I just worry about the impact to Harvey Nicks, Harrods and Selfridges on County Road on match day while all the locals have gone to spend their spare cash at the dock.

  • Haha 1
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11 minutes ago, Bobby Hundreds said:

I thought we'd of heard the outcome of these cheating bastards appeal by now. Any reduction is a slap in the face to every club that played by the rules at their own sporting cost.

Surprised no leaks yet on the outcome either 

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5 hours ago, Anubis said:

Italian journos reporting that Everton will get two points back from their appeal. No idea of reliability, or how they’d know (or of they’ve been on the Campari), so take it with a liberal pinch of salt.




I'd settle for that providing the 2 points are suspended and the 2nd lot of charges are heard this season.


There was a throw away comment at the end of the Luton game on sky suggesting Monday or Tuesday for Everton's appeal decision. 

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