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*Shakes head* Everton again.


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On 11/12/2023 at 14:24, Creator Supreme said:

geordies singing about poverty.

They literally made a programme about geordies having to work abroad because there was no jobs,the thick scruffy cunts. 

apparently it was even getting sung at a manc wsl game.  

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1 hour ago, Bobby Hundreds said:

They won't go into administration. A buyer would step in.


That's where they'll land on their feet. Someone in a oil state will see a cheap club with stadium in the works. It's also another vote in favour of what they want and against FFP

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3 hours ago, Arniepie said:

geordies singing about poverty.

They literally made a programme about geordies having to work abroad because there was no jobs,the thick scruffy cunts. 

apparently it was even getting sung at a manc wsl game.  


Wait what, Newcastle fans were singing it? Where the fuck do you go with that one?

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Even with another 9pt deduction I'd fancy them over the bottom three. The only way that sends them down is if there's a fire sale and Calvert Lewin,T Rex,Braithwaite,Onana and Dacoure got sold


If they go into administration we should offer the administrator money for Braithwaite 

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2 hours ago, Bourbon said:

Loudly putting the boot into a stadium bigger than the entire full capacity of BDM without the SKD & Kop stands being refurbed; 





Accusing us of "money grabbing" at the weekend by *checks notes* charging people to watch a game of football.

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2 hours ago, Harry Squatter said:

They love saying things like that. Like Baines is the best left back in the history of the Premier league but because he didn't play for a sky 6 team he was completely ignored. 

I’d have taken Baines at one point. He was a decent player. Not in the top 5 best PL left backs though let alone the best. 

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1 hour ago, Bjornebye said:

I’d have taken Baines at one point. He was a decent player. Not in the top 5 best PL left backs though let alone the best. 

He was probably in the top 5 of those playing in the Premier League when he was at his peak.  (Lord knows, we never had anyone better in that position at the time.)


Do we need @Tony Moanero to start the lists of Top 5 Premier League left backs?

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1 hour ago, AngryOfTuebrook said:

He was probably in the top 5 of those playing in the Premier League when he was at his peak.  (Lord knows, we never had anyone better in that position at the time.)


Do we need @Tony Moanero to start the lists of Top 5 Premier League left backs?

Ashley Cole





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