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*Shakes head* Everton again.


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2 hours ago, Harry's Lad said:


I saw that yesterday on Twitter and noted that it took about two replies in before those cunts started lobbing in with the 'Heysel' comebacks.


They don't really do football banter, that lot, probably 'cos they don't have much in the way of wit (that and the fact they don't have much in the way of achievements to throw back at us - that long list of firsts aside). They're like the fanbase equivalent of the twat in the school playground that just says 'your nan, innit' whenever someone mocks him.

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8 minutes ago, Jack the Sipper said:

I saw that yesterday on Twitter and noted that it took about two replies in before those cunts started lobbing in with the 'Heysel' comebacks.


They don't really do football banter, that lot, probably 'cos they don't have much in the way of wit (that and the fact they don't have much in the way of achievements to throw back at us - that long list of firsts aside). They're like the fanbase equivalent of the twat in the school playground that just says 'your nan, innit' whenever someone mocks him.

How many times have English teams contested the Champions League Final since the ban was lifted? We've been in 4 finals, the mancs 3 or 4, chelsea 1, arsenal 1, spurs 1.


The only time they even 'qualified'  was when the premier league ignored UEFA's protocol of forwarding the previous year's winners, us, ahead of the 4th placed PL club.


The cunts have had plenty of time since Heysel to qualify for the CL but the truth is, they've been shit too often. Fuck 'em.

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5 minutes ago, Jack the Sipper said:

I saw that yesterday on Twitter and noted that it took about two replies in before those cunts started lobbing in with the 'Heysel' comebacks.


They don't really do football banter, that lot, probably 'cos they don't have much in the way of wit (that and the fact they don't have much in the way of achievements to throw back at us - that long list of firsts aside). They're like the fanbase equivalent of the twat in the school playground that just says 'your nan, innit' whenever someone mocks him.

I know some blues who are sound, but they seem to be few and far between these days which is sad.

The banter used to be boss.


It's pathetic the way they think it's acceptable to keep bringing up a tragedy that claimed so many lives to try and score points and blame us for their shitness, and to blame us for the deaths of our own at Hillsborough, again to try and score points and take the moral high ground.

If only they were intelligent enough to realise that by doing this, they actually lose credibility. 

It shows them up to be clueless bitter gobshites they are.


The worst thing is, the die is cast now and I don't think it will ever get better.


The days of red and blue standing side by side at Wembley, us against the world, chanting Merseyside Merseyside Merseyside I don't think we'll ever see again. 


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Looking at the Anfield expansion thread on Skyscrapercity, all the Evertonians believing that fake FT article. Then read this classic:


"Depends how you determine fan, you may see a lot more Liverpool shirts but doesn't necessarily correlate to being a true football fan. Worked in several bookies around the city and you'd frequently see lads with Liverpool shirts on, whilst the game was on asking 'who Liverpool playing today? Generally find Evertonians care more about football generally too, more knowledgeable about the game and interested in it outside of their club."


Funny because most of the Evertonians I've met in my lifetime only seem bothered about Everton and what Liverpool are doing. Obviously they buy shirts of the teams we play in European finals so maybe he means that. 

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20 hours ago, Bjornebye said:

I only said yesterday about them making things up. Proper weirdos all of them. 

I thought it was just another sad blue making shit up to make himself feel better but looking at his previous tweets he just seems like a full time wind up artist, even taking the piss out of Everton at various points. 


He's done a good job of hooking reds with the bait, blues also making themselves look daft for believing it, and even the occasional Manc. 


I think I'll be let this one slide because the whole situation is quite amusing and he doesn't seem to take it very seriously.

Top bantz. 

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It will be our fault somehow. 



The elected Mayor of Liverpool, Joe Anderson, has been arrested.


The city leader was arrested earlier today by Merseyside Police along with four other men in connection with offences of bribery and witness intimidation as part of an investigation into building and development contracts in Liverpool.

Detectives made arrests at addresses throughout the city as well as Ormskirk and Southport. 

The arrests are part of "an ongoing investigation", police said today.


Confirming the details of the arrests police said the following five people had been arrested:

A 72-year-old man, from Aigburth, has been arrested on suspicion of witness intimidation.

A 62-year-old man, from Old Swan has been arrested on suspicion of conspiracy to commit bribery and witness intimidation.

A 33-year-old man, from West Derby, has been arrested on suspicion of conspiracy to commit bribery and witness intimidation.

A 46-year-old man, from Ainsdale, has been arrested on suspicion of conspiracy to commit bribery and witness intimidation.

A 25-year-old man, from, Ormskirk, has been arrested on suspicion of witness intimidation.

The ECHO understands that the 62-year-old man arrested is the directly elected Mayor of Liverpool Joe Anderson.


The Labour Party politician has led the city since 2010 and has been Mayor since 2012.

Last year he secured the Labour Party selection to run to be Mayor of the city for a third term at May's delayed elections.

A Liverpool City Council spokesperson said: “Liverpool City Council is co-operating with Merseyside Police in relation to its ongoing investigation. We do not comment on matters relating to individuals.”



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Dave, you so crazy!






Player Valuation: £80m


LFC + Merseyside Police - if this stadium goes west, look no further than these two acting in tandem.

Liverpool for obvious reasons dont want Everton in a state of the art stadium down there; and Merseyside police dont want to police it.



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