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The training cones at Melwood bring more to the squad than Poulsen...


Apparently the Denmark manager told Poulsen last night that he won't be selected again for Denmark of who he is the captain unless he starts playing first team football, that might be enough to get him to go, now to find a fool to take him

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Alot of people on here seem to think he will become a squad player...id put big money that the lad is going to be a regular for years to come. Only 24 and we sign him up for another 5 yrs, regular starter so its obvious Kenny rates him highly. Not much older than Speo but in my opinion a far more mature performer.

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When you consider how some players piss and moan, I'm full of admiration for Lucas for the way he's got his head downed and worked his way to a regular place. He's a great squad player and gives the impression of being a great person as well. And he can still get better and I know several will say he's got a long way to go.

I'm glad he's signed.



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Lucas is a good player. Can only see him getting better and better now. THe funny thing is, that probably the best part of his game is an unseen one; his mental strength. A lot of other players would have crumbled mentally from all the stick that he used to get but Lucas is a real Gaucho. Future LFC captain?

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Code do not like this.


So that's 99% of the supporters, Kenny Dalglish and Damien Comilli who all rate Lucas and see a future for him at Liverpool.


And you & Silverlining who don't.


Just saying, like.

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He is not my favorite player but glad we have him tied down as there is a lot of interest in him but he is a squad player in my book.

Would love him to improve and be consistent and he is young enough to do that, nothing would please me more if he did.

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