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'It was an easy decision to make'


Lucas Leiva today spoke of his delight after committing his future to Liverpool.


After news broke that the Brazilian midfielder has signed a new long-term contract with the Reds, the 24-year old immediately turned his sights towards helping the Reds re-establish themselves as a force in English and European football.


"For me it was an easy decision because I know how big Liverpool is and I can see Liverpool are committed to me and are planning for a future with me," he told Liverpoolfc.tv. "The effort from the club was amazing and that makes me feel an important player. That's why it was an easy decision.


"I am really, really happy. The last few weeks have been really good for me and now I have signed a new contract and can spend more years at Liverpool I will do my best all the time and try to help the club to be bigger and bigger, if that's possible.


"Everyone wants to be in the Champions League again and to win titles. That is what Liverpool is about. The way everything is going I think it will be a very good next few seasons.


"We have some new players who have come here and that shows we are moving in the right direction. I am pleased with the way Liverpool tried to keep me and now I want to keep doing my best for them.


"I don't think people thought I could stay here for so long, but now I want to just keep on improving."


Source: 'It was an easy decision to make' - Liverpool FC


Sorry Silverlining!

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When you consider how some players piss and moan, I'm full of admiration for Lucas for the way he's got his head downed and worked his way to a regular place. He's a great squad player and gives the impression of being a great person as well. And he can still get better and I know several will say he's got a long way to go.

I'm glad he's signed.

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Hello everyone !

First post.

I think this is great news. The stick Lucas still gets amazes and disappoints me.

He just turned 24 and is only 10 months younger and 10 times better than Spearing , who some seem to laud over.

I think Lucas is better than just a squad player.

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BREAKING NEWS: A Man has broken into the Liverpool training complex and has taken Damien Comolli, Lucas and Dalglish hostage. He was seen entering with a selection of weapons and various implements of torture. Police say a leg was seen to be thrown from a window by the suspect who then screamed "The cunt cant play if he's only got one leg".


Police have yet to establish a full identity for the suspect but he is said to go by the nickname 'Silverlining'.


More as we get it...

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I like it when we say we have a strategy for the kind of players we sign, we have a management that follows that strategy, and no one else but they themselves knows what the details are.


And I like Lucas as a player, happy to see him get rewarded.

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Delighted for the lad, shift out poulsen and aqualani now and get Adam and a Sissoko type player in and were sorted in centre midfield, I don't expect Lucas up be first choice next season but he brings more to the squad than poulsen




The training cones at Melwood bring more to the squad than Poulsen...

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