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Funny shouts at the match


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Block 102, crimbo a few years back, young blonde bird with glasses who was the regular steward over there, mooching about with christmas antlers on... some fella shouts across "excuse me dear,".... took her a while to catch on.


One of the garston scallies from behind our row, used to be constantly fucked up with momo and djimi traore. Dunno how but the fucker always used to have about 4 cans of stella in with him, would talk bollocks throughout the game, and loved shouting to djimi whenever he came down our corner.... 9 times out of 10 it was momo.



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My uncle was saying a few weeks/maybe months ago, that he'd read in the paper about a lower league player missing a sitter (think it was carlisle). Apparently someone in the crowd phoned the player a taxi and they called his name out on the tannoy informing him that it was outside.


Not sure if this is true as I did a quick google search when he told me, with the intention of starting a thread about it, but couldn't find anything. Can anyone clear this up for me?

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Remember vaguely (possibly read it) that an old fella sat in the main stand, kop end, was having a heart / angina attack - St John's medics were all fussing roung him in his seat, loosening his clothes, possibly putting an oxygen mask on him and a fella in the kop shouts 'Get out of his way and leave him alone will you, he's trying to watch the match, here...!'


Which made me chuckle for some reason.

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I remember I was at Liverpool v Aston Villa in 2002 and a boy behind me shouted at Dion Dublin: I got your cookbook, it was fukn shite...


That's a cracker


There used to be an oldish feller on the Kop who had a foghorn voice and would bellow out shouts like ' Cmon you wonderful victorious beautiful all conquering astounding etc.. redmen !'... packing as many adjectives in as he could.


always made me laugh but I'm easily pleased

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Was sitting in the Lower centenary during a Derby when Rooney still played for the Bitters. He came over to take a throw in but was delayed 'cos a player was receiving treatment.Some lad came up from below with a drink and started shouting "WAYNE,WAYNE" about 10 times. Eventually Rooney turns round to look at him and the lad shouts - " They've stiil got some pies left down there, do you want me to get you one" - To be fair even Rooney laughed

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Best ones I've heard. Park ji sung comes over to take a throw in during a lull in the crowd and one young kid shouts out, oi, chuck us a pie in the fat there lad. class.


When Tevez was still playing for the scum - Oi, Tevez go and stick the kettle on you ugly cunt.


Against Juventus ages ago when Nedved went down looking for a cheap free kick. Some fat man stood up and screams Fuck off you 50p a pint goggle eyed diving twat.



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My uncle was saying a few weeks/maybe months ago, that he'd read in the paper about a lower league player missing a sitter (think it was carlisle). Apparently someone in the crowd phoned the player a taxi and they called his name out on the tannoy informing him that it was outside.


Not sure if this is true as I did a quick google search when he told me, with the intention of starting a thread about it, but couldn't find anything. Can anyone clear this up for me?


That is a belting story if true

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Best one ever, Celtic fans singing "Two Andy Gormans, there's only two Andy Gormans" after he was diagnosed with schizophrenia.


Had the pleasure of going with a mate into the Celtic end for their end of season match at Hibs a couple of years back, both sets of fans so close that you can hear every shout between the two. Was pretty good natured, but I never stopped laughing for the entire 90 minutes.


Best one came at the end though, Celtic players came over to applaud, fans giving it good until Gary Caldwell comes over, clapping the fans and saying thanks. One guy jumps up and screams right at him "We're no clapping you Caldwell ya fuckin donkey!".

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I was at a game once where a team who were doing shit were playing against their local rivals who were also in a poor run of form...


One set of supporters started singing "going down, going down, going down",


The opposition fans retored with "so are we, so are we, so are we".


Oh how we chortled.


West Ham did that to us on Sunday...

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That's a cracker


There used to be an oldish feller on the Kop who had a foghorn voice and would bellow out shouts like ' Cmon you wonderful victorious beautiful all conquering astounding etc.. redmen !'... packing as many adjectives in as he could.




A fat Kenny Sansom coming over to take a throw when he was just coming to the end of his career, bloke shouts "Fuckin 'ell Sansom you can roll our garden when you've finished out there"

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I remember v Wigan when Crouchie scored some fella at the back of the Kop just kept on screaming.


Also remember Schmeichel warming up in 2003 FA Cup game at Maine Road. He warmed up infront of us for some reason. Anyway some fella stood behind the goal and started singing


Schmeichel Schmeichel


He then looked




Was funny at the time

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Away fans: "Shall we sing - Shall we sing - Shall we sing a song for you? Shall we sing a song for you?"

Brief lull in the crowd.

Lone voice calls back: "Do something by Dylan."


Can't remember who we played but it raised a wee smile.

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Back in the 80's - well into second half injury time - 3- 0 up and Craig Johnson had covered every blade of grass at least 5 times as he always did.

A through ball was played to him but was well overhit but as anyone who knew Craig will testify he never gave up on lost causes. It was about a metre from going out of play for a goal kick and Craig was still a good 20 metres behind it when he finally gave up the chase.

This fella behind me on the Kop shouts " He's one lazy bastard that Craig Johnson"


I heard something similar Ronnie Whelan had overhit a pass and to be fair like a fuckin headless chicken johnson chased it but it still went out to which a lad behind me shouted "Fuckin hell Whelan he's not a fuckin Greyhound"

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Last year I went to Prenton Park, to watch the reserves against Everton. And I sat next to a bluenose. The funny thing was that when Steve Irwin fouled a Everton player, he shouted: "Fuck off you Spanish prick!"...


I didn't tell him that Steve Irwin was a scouser, I just thought "Good job you fucking twat".

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