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if your into this sort of thing, boat and all that, this is for you.

this will be massive for liverpool


Count down to the Liverpool Boat Show

by Peter Elson, Liverpool Daily Post Jan 19 2011


High hopes are riding on the first Liverpool Boat Show – so is it still on track? Peter Elson reports


THERE’S just over three months to go before the first-ever Liverpool Boat Show (LBS) opens, and the senior management team is looking suitably stressed.


“We’re broadly where we should be,” soothes Rob Mackenzie, LBS chief executive officer and operations manager.


“All licensing agreements with bodies such as Liverpool City Council, Gower Street Estates, British Waterways and Pearl are in place and working well.


“A major legacy will be the £750,000 permanent pontoons now being installed ahead of schedule by British Waterways and Blue Point Marine Services.”


Besides the prestige, it is claimed the show will pump £30m into the local economy.


The website is now open for ticketing and the big marketing push will start next week for the show, which runs from April 29 – May 8.


Somewhat awkwardly, the Royal Wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton falls on the show’s opening day, but will be shown on a giant screen.


The event will hit the deck running as Europe’s largest boat show on its first outing – overtaking London, Southampton, Paris and Dusseldorf.


The show innovatively combines a large, outdoor free show open to the public, with the main marina and gated areas requiring a ticket or wristband costing £12-£15 a day for adults.


“It’s a radically different business model to mesh together paying visitors with those who just want a free look,” said Mr Mackenzie.


Between 300,000-400,000 visitors are expected, compared to, say, Dusseldorf’s 220,000 visitors.


Crucially for Liverpool, it is hoped these visitors will include around 100,000 serious enthusiasts who are the real key to the show’s success.


These are the people with money in their pockets who will make it worthwhile for the top-end boat builders to attend now and in future years.


They will be among the elite wristband visitors with access to the premier areas.


LBS achieved what is necessary to attract these high spenders, by signing four global luxury motor yacht brand leaders: Fairline, Princess Motor Yachts, Sealine and Sunseeker.


Once these are onboard, the rest of the industry feels obliged to follow them to an event.


“Around 50% of these boat owners live north of Birmingham, so the top boat builders realise they want to be in Liverpool,” said Mr Mackenzie.


“And only 5% of these northern boat owners ever attend the London or Southampton shows.”


David Lewis, Sunseeker London chief executive, said: “There’s a lot of wealth and experience in northern England, so Liverpool appeals to us.


“Late April is a good time for a boat show. By then, wealthy clients are back from the Caribbean or ski-ing and we can bring them here, whereas they’d miss the London show.”


Chris Cleverly, Princess Motor Yacht Sales managing director, said: “We used to have an office in Cheshire and we should come back. We will go to Liverpool to sell boats, as it is an excellent early year opportunity.”


Mr Mackenzie said: “I’ve never experienced before the tremendous support we’ve had from local businesses and organisations.


“Coutts, Barclays Wealth, Grosvenor, Credit Suisse, Boodles are all sponsors and make our job easier by bringing their clients with them.


“We’ve never had an ounce of this co-operation in London.


“Everyone’s saying this is good for Liverpool and asking how they can help.”


Heathcotes signed a £300,000 contract for the show’s catering.


“It’s a first-time event, so there are mistakes to be corrected and problems to be solved,” admitted Mr Mackenzie.


“But I want to underline the team is enjoying it. We’re passionate about delivering a top event.


“It’s more than just a boat show, it’s about getting a vast number of people here to enjoy themselves.”


James Gower, LBS event director, whose idea the show originally was, said: “The plan is for the Liverpool Boat Show to carry on for many years.


“The new pontoons in Albert Dock are over-engineered for extra buoyancy and longevity to provide 280 berths.


“They are 4m wide, instead of the 2m wide ones they replaced, to deal with the biggest crowds.


“Southampton Boat Show started 40 years ago with 12 boats in a makeshift ex-Army marquee. It now attracts 100,000 visitors and is worth £50m to the local economy.


“We hope Liverpool Boat Show will initially be worth about £30m to the local economy and be one of Europe’s best.


“The setting, among the UK’s largest group of Grade I-listed buildings, ensures it will become one of the best-loved and most popular boat shows anywhere.


“It’s a fantastic canvas, which contrasts with the soulless exhibition hall shows of Paris and Dusseldorf.


“When we first started working on this event, in 2006, there was no Liverpool Arena & Convention Centre, no Capital of Culture and the hotels were just not there. That’s all changed.”


There will be around 250 landside-based exhibitors, including electronic firms, component suppliers and holiday companies. The Guinness Bar, a once popular fixture of London Boat Shows, has signed an exclusive contract with LBS.


“We’re trying to create something animated with character that’s not sterile, but has high water interactivity,” said Mr Mackenzie.


“There will be an Aqua Theatre, water taxis and major regattas on the river both weekends organised by Royal Liverpool Yacht Club and kindred clubs.


“We’ll have boating masterclasses, have-a-go kayaking, tall ships, heritage feature boats, canal narrow boats, historic boat parades and a marine literary festival.


“Now the Leeds and Liverpool Canal link terminus is at Canning Dock, I think attending the Boat Show for the waterways community will be a very popular and romantic notion.


“We’ve even integrated the Comedy Festival into the event. Our mobile music barge for 30 – 40 bands will be a huge hit.


“The highly experienced Bernard Davis, who has organised Liverpool Shanty Festivals, has done a great job putting this together.” Liverpool Cruise Terminal will also be utilised for tall ships and two warships that will be open to the public.


Jo Cardew, marketing manager, said: “We’re reaching out to 1.2m boating enthusiasts through every media means.


“This includes newsletters, advertising, affiliated clubs, the traditional specialist, local and national press and latest digital methods through Twitter and dedicated e-shots.


“The main campaign should reach 35m people, including London press and Tube adverts.”


Other key local partners include Ryanair, Easyjet, Liverpool John Lennon Airport, Merseytravel, The Mersey Partnership and Visit Liverpool who will provide a joint promotional message.


Liverpool One will display a branded boat and the M62 Rocket flyover will be adorned with a light display.


“We’ve got the necessary critical mass of exhibitors,” said Mr Mackenzie.


“As Jack Nicklaus used to say, ‘We’re coming down the 18th with a chance to win’.”

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