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Following our relentless attacks I mean powers of persuasion we have succeeded with on the *f and the voting fiasco on the bus story I am hoping that we can now attack the government to get fuel prices down to a more reasonable level again. I know it's only a leter but our MPs are obliged to bring it up in the commons if enough of us bitch I mean request them too.


Below is a tgemplate of the letter to email to your MP and their email address is on the final link.


A letter to your MP. Please use this as a template or if you have better then please post it.



I am writing to you as you are my local MP, I would like to bring your attention to my concerns over the current price of fuel in this country.


I like many other people in this country am fed up with having to pay over the odds in Tax for what is to many people and absolute necessity rather than a luxury. We are currently paying two thirds of the price at the pump for our fuel to the Government, we are paying VAT and fuel duty, this is not fair or just and it needs to be abolished.


When the fuel price rises, everyone gets hit by it, including those who do not drive because the price of food goes up, the price of clothes goes up, the price of heating goes up, everything that needs to be delivered to a place where we can go and buy it will increase in price because it costs more to get it there in the first place.

My Wages do not go up with the price of fuel and the increase in VAT, My average household shopping bill for buying the same goods has risen by over twenty pounds in one week!


Last year when the fuel started to creep up in price, I started a Facebook cause page to campaign to force the government to act to keep fuel below £1.00 per litre, when I started this I hoped that I could get enough interest to get 500 people to join so I could start a petition to the government. Currently the membership of this page is more than 270000 people and growing by the second, not the hour but the second.


Move the taxes to Fast food outlets and nightclubs and Theatres, these are real Luxury items, Think about the volunteers that help out with soup kitchens, meals on wheels and any other organisation that relies on charitable people, they will not be able to do this if you keep taxing the fuel we need.


Please feel free to look over the face book page with the cause and you can see for yourself the response this has had all over the country.


Keep Fuel Below £1.00 per litre | causes.com


Sir, I will be contacting everyone I know with this letter and asking them to send this to you, I will also be sending this to everyone on the cause page so that they can use it as a template and send it to their local MP, this madness must be stopped.


Should you wish to discuss this further please contact me by return email and I will be happy to arrange to meet with you.





Lists of MPs - UK Parliament



Good luck all.

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