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Petition to reinstate Rafael Benitez as LFC Manager

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Guest PurpleNose
Newcastle were much more robust and solid under Keegan in his second spell. He'd have employed "give it to Tino/Ginola" if he could have but he didn't have anyone of that ilk.


Ah well, he could say "give it to Kuyt" instead, as everyone's favourite undroppable Dutchman will be playing, I've no doubt.


Kuyt would play, as he's a striker.



Johnson Carragher Aurelio


Kuyt Torres Pacheco Morgan N'Gog Jovanovic

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Guest PurpleNose
If there is one man I'd like to see take the job for six months, with no obligation to take him on at the end of it, also purely to see if he could do it.


I'd go for


Jamie Carragher


Wouldn't you prefer a football manager?

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Newcastle were much more robust and solid under Keegan in his second spell. He'd have employed "give it to Tino/Ginola" if he could have but he didn't have anyone of that ilk.


Ah well, he could say "give it to Kuyt" instead, as everyone's favourite undroppable Dutchman will be playing, I've no doubt.


Followed shortly by "Kuyt, go and try to get it back".

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shhhh now, emotive man.


I live in Huyton, I’m concerned cause on a local level we seem to be going backwards toward our eighties status under the tories / lib dems with our councils being treated unfairly and our public services will soon be fucked when some southern counties have actually had theirs increased?? (that more for G/F I think).


On a football level and more relevant to this thread we’ve a media appointed cockney in charge who with the help of the aforementioned media will take us into mediocrity, the rest of the country will enjoy this, also when eventually he is removed we will be slated by all.


We’re always portrayed as whinging scousers, probably in my case it’s true and sometimes probably post shite that proves it, but yes I am emotive, you probably aren’t cause your not from Liverpool I’d guess?

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I live in Huyton, I’m concerned cause on a local level we seem to be going backwards toward our eighties status under the tories / lib dems with our councils being treated unfairly and our public services will soon be fucked when some southern counties have actually had theirs increased?? (that more for G/F I think).


On a football level and more relevant to this thread we’ve a media appointed cockney in charge who with the help of the aforementioned media will take us into mediocrity, the rest of the country will enjoy this, also when eventually he is removed we will be slated by all.


We’re always portrayed as whinging scousers, probably in my case it’s true and sometimes probably post shite that proves it, but yes I am emotive, you probably aren’t cause your not from Liverpool I’d guess?


I grew up in Kirkdale when the city was on the bones of its arse. I was 16 in 1977, and by the time I left full time education there was absolutely fuck all. I was a die hard socialist, and I still am a socialist, but I've seen a lot of the world since then, and I understand that emotions can be manipulated by individuals who don't necessarily have the best interest of the collective at heart. Liverpool is full of emotion, and as such it is susceptible to (and often played by) ne'er-do-wells, whether it's football or politics. The chippy attitude towards the rest of the country really is self-defeating. It's certainly a contributing factor as to why Liverpool is years behind the other big cities in the country in terms of it's commercial development. The whole country is being kicked in the balls hard at the moment. Affluent areas are seeing shops boarded up, or turning into charity shops. I don't know any southern county that has had their public service budgets increased. I suspect that's just a divisive myth, just like the myth that suggests Hodgson was a media appointment.

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Here be a poem about a man named Rafa.

Who ate too many cakes of Jaffa.

He took on three clubs and the anger soon vented

sure enough, he was mutually consented


So where now for man from Madrid?

people are shouting "come back, lid!"

I can't think of anything worse

maybe if Roy Hodgson was in this verse?


But enough about Roy and his stupid rants

where no one's quite sure if he's pissed his pants

Torres, Cole, Johnson all hung out to dry

When I see him in the dugout, I want to cry.


But back to the man who the poem's about

the man who kept a player with chronic gout

Kewell. An Australian like Shane Warne

When Rafa left some fans decided to mourn.


But not for me, I can see the big picture

We need a manager with the right mixture

Attack and defence, it's a "piecsh of pish"

Says the man called Kenny Dalglish


I'm not even sure where this is going

My head's in the air like a 737 Boeing

I know this is nothing like the one on RAWK

but sometimes it's just nice to talk :)

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There was a young man called Benitez

Told Inter to do just what he says

But the chairman Moratti

Said "Oi! Lip up fatty"......


anyone for the final line?


And now he's nailed on to get his old job back with the help of an online petition.

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I grew up in Kirkdale when the city was on the bones of its arse. I was 16 in 1977, and by the time I left full time education there was absolutely fuck all. I was a die hard socialist, and I still am a socialist, but I've seen a lot of the world since then, and I understand that emotions can be manipulated by individuals who don't necessarily have the best interest of the collective at heart. Liverpool is full of emotion, and as such it is susceptible to (and often played by) ne'er-do-wells, whether it's football or politics. The chippy attitude towards the rest of the country really is self-defeating. It's certainly a contributing factor as to why Liverpool is years behind the other big cities in the country in terms of it's commercial development. The whole country is being kicked in the balls hard at the moment. Affluent areas are seeing shops boarded up, or turning into charity shops. I don't know any southern county that has had their public service budgets increased. I suspect that's just a divisive myth, just like the myth that suggests Hodgson was a media appointment.


Respect for your reply:


The ‘chippy’ attitude as you describe isn’t prevelant, our city maybe in the eighties / early nineties was behind but not now, go and see Liverpool 1, the difference in the waterfront, our festivals, we’re not behind but at the forefront which is where we want to stay. The problem - these cuts are going to hit us more than anywhere else, and unfairly so, why the fuck us all the time, ( when you say. I don't know any southern county that has had their public service budgets increased – well unless what was being discussed on Roger Phillips was wrong, Richmond is certainly one, a bit more research will throw up others which sorry, I can’t recall).


I still live in the Knowsley area, when I did my degree the percentage in Knowsley in Uni. was about 5%, now gonna be closer to 0% with the cuts, my kids will struggle going and we have a right to be fucking angry cause we are again bearing the brunt – being downtrodden, and for what the sins of fucking bankers, if it continues then we will see a return to militancy like we did in the eighties.


That’s why I’m emotive, cause I hate seeing my city put down and football was always a way out, something we were proud of, Hodgsons Liverpool won’t even provide that.

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I live in Huyton, I’m concerned cause on a local level we seem to be going backwards toward our eighties status under the tories / lib dems with our councils being treated unfairly and our public services will soon be fucked when some southern counties have actually had theirs increased?? (that more for G/F I think).


On a football level and more relevant to this thread we’ve a media appointed cockney in charge who with the help of the aforementioned media will take us into mediocrity, the rest of the country will enjoy this, also when eventually he is removed we will be slated by all.


We’re always portrayed as whinging scousers, probably in my case it’s true and sometimes probably post shite that proves it, but yes I am emotive, you probably aren’t cause your not from Liverpool I’d guess?


Fucking top post lad. Hit the nail on the head for so many of us there.


It matters more to us when we win. Why? Because when your a down on your luck scouser and saturday comes, there's really no better feeling than getting one over charlie big potates. Little liverpool to them fucking the order up and the rest of the country cant stand it. To the rest its simply arbitrary that we're replaced by a corporate whore like spurs, or a sheiks billions like citeh,. Fact remains that our support is simply too big to alow our history to be overriden by politics or media forces.

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