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Remembrance Day


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9 minutes ago, Carradona said:

Because you've cried sectarianism in the past in response to some of my anti-loyalist and poppy-shagger posts. You have form.

Ive called you a bigot previously when youve made bigoted comments. Where have I defended terrorists or refused to answer questions about them?


Apart from stirring up shit for your hate filled agenda there was no need to drag me in. I was always going to agree with you on the uvf.




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20 minutes ago, A Red said:

Ive called you a bigot previously when youve made bigoted comments. Where have I defended terrorists or refused to answer questions about them?


Apart from stirring up shit for your hate filled agenda there was no need to drag me in. I was always going to agree with you on the uvf.




You're one of the poppy police on here. I'm educating you on why my community object to your forceful stance. It's a day for the loyalists in many parts of NI. 

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29 minutes ago, Carradona said:

Just have a look back in this thread in November and late October (it's a 3-4 week Remembrance Day now) every year. 

You've made shit up, again. You like the idea of me being part of "the poppy police" and therefore in your head I am. You read back in this thread.


Like I said, you called me out because you are hate filled. Keep me out of it.

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5 minutes ago, Babb'sBurstNad said:

Someone I know does quite a lot of fund raising for the RBL. He's doing good work, but I've recently found out the medals he wears aren't his, but his grandad's. Am I being weird, or is that a bit off? He must know when people see him they think he's served?

Weird if he’s never or doesn’t mention it. I mean if it’s a WW2 medal and he’s clearly not old enough then I’d suggest he’s wearing them to honour him. 

I read in the news they caught a Walter last week (probably a good few like every year) and this prick had a chest full of the fuckers. People will always ask questions (often out of curiosity/admiration), one slip and they crumble like Stevie Wonders jenga set. 

The YouTube videos are funny. The Walter Mitty and stolen valour ones. It’s just sad more than anything but I know a few people who get very angry about it. 

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3 hours ago, A Red said:

You've made shit up, again. You like the idea of me being part of "the poppy police" and therefore in your head I am. You read back in this thread.


Like I said, you called me out because you are hate filled. Keep me out of it.


Not sure what it has to do with me either. I've never been to a Remembrance service or worn a poppy. I believe the only slightly relevant comment I've made is that people should respect the minute's silence. Quite a lot of extrapolation to get from that to being a member of the "poppy police".

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I saw the local bitter Evertonian on Remembrance Day. He's ex navy and was proudly wearing his row of medals. I asked him what they were for and he explained the first 2 then said " and these 4 were for having to support fucking everton"



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I was driving out of Middlewich last week and they had those big cardboard poppies on their lampposts, and as I’m driving past this house they’ve clearly nicked one of them to tie on their gate. Nice house as well. Cheap Cheshire bastards. Fur coat and no knickers brigade.

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21 hours ago, Carradona said:

The type of clientele at Remembrance Day events in Belfast. But but but, you must wear your poppy?


I'm sure the usual suspects ( @A Red, @Strontium , @The Golden Eel) will cry sectarianism, but this is the reality in NI. You'd be rubbing shoulders with scum loyalist rat bastards at those type of gatherings. 


Fuck off you thick little coward. 

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On 17/11/2024 at 12:32, A Red said:

You've made shit up, again. You like the idea of me being part of "the poppy police" and therefore in your head I am. You read back in this thread.


Like I said, you called me out because you are hate filled. Keep me out of it.


On 17/11/2024 at 16:17, Strontium said:


Not sure what it has to do with me either. I've never been to a Remembrance service or worn a poppy. I believe the only slightly relevant comment I've made is that people should respect the minute's silence. Quite a lot of extrapolation to get from that to being a member of the "poppy police".


Indeed. Seeing as I'm one of the “usual suspects” who's been tagged in, I'm presumably also in the "poppy police" and "unionist poppy-shagging corner" as well for, errr, maybe criticising some Celtic fans last week for not respecting a minute's silence, the same as plenty of folk on here have done, including IIRC people who aren't generally sympathetic to the idea of poppies, etc. For info, I couldn't care less who wears poppies or doesn't - e.g, that post that Carrahalfwit has made up there from James McClean - that sounds perfectly reasonable to me. It's his business, not mine or anyone else's, as to whether he wears a poppy or not. Obviously he has a different perspective to me generally but that's grand. As for my “poppy-shagging” credentials, I can't recall the last time I wore one or went to a remembrance day service either, but it would have been when I was in school - so 20+ years ago. 


What's that article even about? It's seemingly about some sort of paramilitary show of strength on remembrance day and some sort of internal UVF feud or something. It seems that some sort of point was being made with 300 members of one criminal faction turning up at an “event” on remembrance day, seemingly some type of UVF remembrance day event. Sounds grim. It's not the sort of event you're likely to stumble upon by accident. Obviously I've never attempted to attend one and I suspect it's invite only. In any event it's got fuck all to do with me and even trying to link this type of article to average remembrance day events to make a point is crass idiocy. 


“You'd be rubbing shoulders with scum loyalist rat bastards at those type of gatherings" and "this is the reality in NI" apparently. Well yeah, if you turn up at a UVF event, obviously you're going to have to expect to come across that type of person but I'm going to go out on a limb and say that none of the three of us tagged in that post have ever attended or wanted to attend one - I suspect we're not invited anyway. Yer man probably doesn't really understand the article he posted though and seems to be using it as a means to start an argument with the three people who called out his bullshit before - he's just thought “oh here's something about poppies, remembrance day and scum loyalist rat bastards - great I can use that to score points on TLW”. Implying that it's “the reality in NI” at remembrance events is either deliberate misrepresentation or abject cluelessness, probably a bit of both. 


As usual though, it's got fuck all to do with me. I don't wear poppies, tell people to wear poppies, comment on people wearing poppies, shag poppies. My only commentary about remembrance day was criticising some Celtic fans over the minute silence, same as plenty of others. I don't have much interest in discussing criminal gangs in NI either. But yet seemingly my opinion is to be demanded on this article, or maybe I have to take some sort of personal responsibility for the whole rigmarole as one of the “usual suspects” in “unionist poppy-shagging corner” and the "poppy police" because… not really sure. LOLZ. Of course, if I've got the wrong end of the stick, I'm happy to be corrected. Weird… Good to have your point proven again though…

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3 hours ago, The Golden Eel said:



Indeed. Seeing as I'm one of the “usual suspects” who's been tagged in, I'm presumably also in the "poppy police" and "unionist poppy-shagging corner" as well for, errr, maybe criticising some Celtic fans last week for not respecting a minute's silence, the same as plenty of folk on here have done, including IIRC people who aren't generally sympathetic to the idea of poppies, etc. For info, I couldn't care less who wears poppies or doesn't - e.g, that post that Carrahalfwit has made up there from James McClean - that sounds perfectly reasonable to me. It's his business, not mine or anyone else's, as to whether he wears a poppy or not. Obviously he has a different perspective to me generally but that's grand. As for my “poppy-shagging” credentials, I can't recall the last time I wore one or went to a remembrance day service either, but it would have been when I was in school - so 20+ years ago. 


What's that article even about? It's seemingly about some sort of paramilitary show of strength on remembrance day and some sort of internal UVF feud or something. It seems that some sort of point was being made with 300 members of one criminal faction turning up at an “event” on remembrance day, seemingly some type of UVF remembrance day event. Sounds grim. It's not the sort of event you're likely to stumble upon by accident. Obviously I've never attempted to attend one and I suspect it's invite only. In any event it's got fuck all to do with me and even trying to link this type of article to average remembrance day events to make a point is crass idiocy. 


“You'd be rubbing shoulders with scum loyalist rat bastards at those type of gatherings" and "this is the reality in NI" apparently. Well yeah, if you turn up at a UVF event, obviously you're going to have to expect to come across that type of person but I'm going to go out on a limb and say that none of the three of us tagged in that post have ever attended or wanted to attend one - I suspect we're not invited anyway. Yer man probably doesn't really understand the article he posted though and seems to be using it as a means to start an argument with the three people who called out his bullshit before - he's just thought “oh here's something about poppies, remembrance day and scum loyalist rat bastards - great I can use that to score points on TLW”. Implying that it's “the reality in NI” at remembrance events is either deliberate misrepresentation or abject cluelessness, probably a bit of both. 


As usual though, it's got fuck all to do with me. I don't wear poppies, tell people to wear poppies, comment on people wearing poppies, shag poppies. My only commentary about remembrance day was criticising some Celtic fans over the minute silence, same as plenty of others. I don't have much interest in discussing criminal gangs in NI either. But yet seemingly my opinion is to be demanded on this article, or maybe I have to take some sort of personal responsibility for the whole rigmarole as one of the “usual suspects” in “unionist poppy-shagging corner” and the "poppy police" because… not really sure. LOLZ. Of course, if I've got the wrong end of the stick, I'm happy to be corrected. Weird… Good to have your point proven again though…

You've cried sectarianism in the past because of posts referring to loyalists and DUP paedophiles. That's what i was referring to. It's obviously hit a nerve (sometimes the truth hurts) for you to come back again and feel the need to type that drivel above. 

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