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Remembrance Day


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And not every r*ngers fan is a fat bloated bald gammon nazi saluting shithouse that sings about being “up to our knees in fenian blood surrender or you’ll die” then cries when someone hits their feelings. 

Oh hang on the whole of Ibrox sing it and I suspect about 2% have ever left Scotland let alone been to Ireland. 

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Let's look at the facts here, both Rangers & Celtic are followed by a huge amount of complete & utter bellends


If you see one of their jerseys coming down the street, it's generally a good time to cross the road.


Two cheeks of the same arse as folk say up here about the cunts.

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3 minutes ago, Bjornebye said:

And not every r*ngers fan is a fat bloated bald gammon nazi saluting shithouse that sings about being “up to our knees in fenian blood surrender or you’ll die” then cries when someone hits their feelings. 

Oh hang on the whole of Ibrox sing it and I suspect about 2% have ever left Scotland let alone been to Ireland. 

What aboutery every time. Those celtic fans are cunts.

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3 hours ago, Bjornebye said:

Blowing kids up = fine


Protesting about kids being blown up at a moment for most reaction to highlight the protest = have they no shame 


Quite the normal way of thinking. Nah quite sick tbh. 

I think they chose the wrong occasion to do it personally. We know the right wing have hijacked Remembrane Day it but it still largely remembers WW1 and WW2 for many of us. Protest about Gaza at any other time but don't do it for this genuine occasion for most of us.

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Just now, VladimirIlyich said:

I think they chose the wrong occasion to do it personally. We know the right wing have hijacked Remembrane Day it but it still largely remembers WW1 and WW2 for many of us. Protest about Gaza at any other time but don't do it for this genuine occasion for most of us.

They protest about Gaza all the time but rarely gets mentioned in the media. 

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7 minutes ago, Bjornebye said:

They protest about Gaza all the time but rarely gets mentioned in the media. 


To be fair to the media, it's hardly news. The green brigade have been doing their 'Free Palestine' thing for at least 10 years.

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Just now, Mook said:


To be fair to the media, it's hardly news. The green brigade have been doing their 'Free Palestine' thing for at least 10 years.

Yeah but it just so happens that the previous genocide has been escalated and the UK are compliant in it. The same people we are remembering would hate what this country is backing right now. I don’t condone the booing of it because it’s not the first time they have but the sentiment of protesting against genocide I am right behind. You know because genocide and dead kids are a bad thing. 

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29 minutes ago, VladimirIlyich said:

I think they chose the wrong occasion to do it personally. We know the right wing have hijacked Remembrane Day it but it still largely remembers WW1 and WW2 for many of us. Protest about Gaza at any other time but don't do it for this genuine occasion for most of us.

This isn’t a one off though, they’ve been making these demonstrations for weeks, months, years (see Stig & Mooks posts).

I wouldn’t have chosen Sunday to protest though in part because of those who use Remembrance Sunday in the correct way - actual remembrance of lost loved ones and gratitude for those that gave the ultimate sacrifice. 

But also because it’s self defeating and doesn’t help the ultimate aim. 

Like fuck would I give two shits about offending right wing tory / reform gammon flag shaggers who backed tory proposals to make it illegal to prosecute British armed forces for murder and war crimes all over the world. 

The kind of stupidity it requires to take offence over protests on Remembrance Sunday but believe your lot should never be held account for their wrongdoing deserve to be offended the fucking simpleton cunts. 

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4 minutes ago, lifetime fan said:

This isn’t a one off though, they’ve been making these demonstrations for weeks, months, years (see Stig & Mooks posts).

I wouldn’t have chosen Sunday to protest though in part because of those who use Remembrance Sunday in the correct way - actual remembrance of lost loved ones and gratitude for those that gave the ultimate sacrifice. 

But also because it’s self defeating and doesn’t help the ultimate aim. 

Like fuck would I give two shits about offending right wing tory / reform gammon flag shaggers who backed tory proposals to make it illegal to prosecute British armed forces for murder and war crimes all over the world. 

The kind of stupidity it requires to take offence over protests on Remembrance Sunday but believe your lot should never be held account for their wrongdoing deserve to be offended the fucking simpleton cunts. 

I totally agree...but there are still a fair number of people who are WW2 survivors and heard a few first hand WW 1 experiences too who are as far removed from those right wing flag shaggers as possible and deserve a bit of respect. Some of them are Scottish and Irish too. 

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17 minutes ago, VladimirIlyich said:

I totally agree...but there are still a fair number of people who are WW2 survivors and heard a few first hand WW 1 experiences too who are as far removed from those right wing flag shaggers as possible and deserve a bit of respect. Some of them are Scottish and Irish too. 

Which is why I said I wouldn’t have chosen Sunday. 

The first aim should be a permanent ceasefire, followed by an internationally agreed, respected and enforced two state solution. 

Sunday didn’t help that. 


ETA: But when these legitimate demands have been ignored for decades I’m neither going to be surprised or sanctimonious about those that escalate their demonstrations in an entirely peaceful manner. 

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19 minutes ago, Carradona said:

The type of clientele at Remembrance Day events in Belfast. But but but, you must wear your poppy?


I'm sure the usual suspects ( @A Red, @Strontium , @The Golden Eel) will cry sectarianism, but this is the reality in NI. You'd be rubbing shoulders with scum loyalist rat bastards at those type of gatherings. 


Why call me out on this? They are drug dealing terrorist scum. I have no history for defending cunts like this.


Again, why have you called me out, why would I call a news piece sectarian?

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25 minutes ago, A Red said:

Why call me out on this? They are drug dealing terrorist scum. I have no history for defending cunts like this.


Again, why have you called me out, why would I call a news piece sectarian?

Because you've cried sectarianism in the past in response to some of my anti-loyalist and poppy-shagger posts. You have form.

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