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Remembrance Day


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12 hours ago, Nelly-Szoboszlai said:

I’ve seen a few football club/poppy collaborations over the weekend on Match of the Day. Worn by both fans and managers in post match interviews.


A bit tacky. Why not just wear an old school traditional poppy if you feel the need to wear one at all? 





At Anfield the corner flags had poopies on them. Madness.

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4 hours ago, VladimirIlyich said:

The stupidity of it is that almost 100,000 Irish Soldiers died in WW1 and around 10,000 in WW2. It is not a remembrance of the troubles but a remembrance of both the insanity of war and the fight for a better future. 

maybe they are pointing out the hypocrisy of highlighting the insanity  of war whilst still invading other countries and being complicit in genocide?

not that I condone it like.


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4 hours ago, VladimirIlyich said:

The stupidity of it is that almost 100,000 Irish Soldiers died in WW1 and around 10,000 in WW2. It is not a remembrance of the troubles but a remembrance of both the insanity of war and the fight for a better future. 


Be lucky if 5% of them are Irish or have even been to Ireland.

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My taxi driver on Sunday wanted to collect us earlier because he expected road closures etc. Apart from 2 lads ( early 60s and mid 70s I'd guess) dressed up in uniform, you wouldn't have any idea that Sunday was a day of any significance. I was walking around the city centre from 1030am to 12pm.


Has it always been like that or is it dying with those its supposed to commemorate?

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2 hours ago, No2 said:

My taxi driver on Sunday wanted to collect us earlier because he expected road closures etc. Apart from 2 lads ( early 60s and mid 70s I'd guess) dressed up in uniform, you wouldn't have any idea that Sunday was a day of any significance. I was walking around the city centre from 1030am to 12pm.


Has it always been like that or is it dying with those its supposed to commemorate?


Didn't they used to announce a minute's silcence at 11am in the city centre?

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To add a bit of balance, not all celtic fans are dribble chinned terrorist supporting loons with poor personal hygiene.


My friend, a celtic season ticket holder from Glasgow rang me this morning. He says him and his mates are embarrassed by the behaviour shown at Kilmarnock and don't want to be associated with it. Not one mention of Palestine or rangers. 


This from a bloke who stayed with us for 3 weeks this year and wore something celtic related every day. A proper fan you can have a proper conversation with.

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