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Ronnie - I think he might know a thing or two - reckons Mascherano held us back and that he was severely exposed once Alonso left. He reckons he has no real skill on the ball, while acknowledging that he is a world class ball winner - but if you're winning the ball all the time to give it away more often than not it's like watching a dog chase it's tail - according to Ronnie. There were statistics published last year that proved Liverpool lost more games with him in the team that when he was out. He's gone, and ignominious departure and good riddance. It's good to be shot of Benitez and his love child. The way the twit hankered for Rafa during the summer was embarrassing - grown men behaving like that, it makes me sick. Mereiles looks like a much better player, while Poulson is a decent step up from that complete birdbrain Lucas.

We'd still have Alonso btw if it wasn't for the fat controller's lack of interpersonal skills - which seemed to have caused a few barnies at Inter already. Lets just forget the muck of the Benitez ear please.


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Every top team has a destroyer. The difference is that when Xabi left Mascherano had no one next to him to compliment him. Lucas is neither a deep lying playmaker nor a midfielder who supports the front men so Mascherano suffered. He was trying to launch attacks by demanding the ball of the centre halves a lot lst year. That was Xabi's job previously and he couldn't do it.


He is a world class player we will miss an awful lot.


Oh and Ronnie Whelan is a fucking bell end when it comes to talking football these days.

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Yeah, he's shit, should be taken out the back of melwood and shot and ground up into glue. Even if we've already sold him. Totally useless.

Even Alonso, don't know why Rafa bothered to sign him if he was going to sell him anyway.


Thank God we now have the class of Brad Jones and mr Konchesky and Roy Hodgson to lead us the way.

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Why do all hanker after Benitez so. He'd done nothing since 2007, only fall for sourfaces' bait when it was dangled out in front of him. He couldn't win the league - forget the CL. He just couldn't win the league and seemed to be hellbent against changing things when they just didn't work.

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Ronnie - I think he might know a thing or two - reckons Mascherano held us back and that he was severely exposed once Alonso left. He reckons he has no real skill on the ball, while acknowledging that he is a world class ball winner - but if you're winning the ball all the time to give it away more often than not it's like watching a dog chase it's tail - according to Ronnie. There were statistics published last year that proved Liverpool lost more games with him in the team that when he was out. He's gone, and ignominious departure and good riddance. It's good to be shot of Benitez and his love child. The way the twit hankered for Rafa during the summer was embarrassing - grown men behaving like that, it makes me sick. Mereiles looks like a much better player, while Poulson is a decent step up from that complete birdbrain Lucas.

We'd still have Alonso btw if it wasn't for the fat controller's lack of interpersonal skills - which seemed to have caused a few barnies at Inter already. Lets just forget the muck of the Benitez ear please.



rafa benitez made numerous errors over his tenure including thinking lucas leiva could be alonso's replacement, roy looks like he's alreay making bad decisions, 2 months into the job, will he survive to christmas?btw, ronnie whelan is full of shit and at every given opportunity slags the club off, he can go fuck himself.

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