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It's Arsenal, innit? It goes with the territory. North London and Fake Jamaica. The quintessential self-entitled, blinkered, coke-brushingly agitated, pointlessly provocative fans. The ones who still shout 'HOOF!' whenever the ball rises above knee height, even though, both before and after (and often during) the Wenger era, their own team had the ball parting the clouds. The ones who glory in the ghastly fried chicken-fatted faces and gurglingly farted-opinions of their bulbous ball boys' You Tube channel rants, with the likes of Gutz, Twatz and Shatz and their vocal-floaters of deluded crap carps polluting the internet after every game that somehow God failed to grant them a win. If ever a group of so-called football fans deserved to be sucked via a sinkhole straight to Hell and subjected to an eternity of crown green bowling by paedophiles, it's fecking Arsenal fans. 

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