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If they lose Arteta and Pienaar that's pretty much their entire creativity gone in one summer and I could see them struggling to finish above halfway next year.


they'll still finish above us.


and where was the thread for Phil Neville's daughter. Double standards. Not nice to hear but lots more families in much worst situations. Always a shame to hear about a child who might not experience life to its full capacity.

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*dons cynic's hat*


If there was ever a way to hand in a transfer request without pissing your fans off, it's by deliberately blinding your infant son and using it as an excuse. People can't accuse you of being a "Judas" and burn your shirt for the Sky Sports News cameras because, by implication, they'd be pissing in the dead eyes of every blind baby on the planet.


Alex Curran better keep a close watch on the kids this summer.


*removes cynic's hat*


Sad to hear about Arteta's son.


*dons hat*

Though I suspect the Spanish sun will aid his vision, over time.

*removes hat*

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Who do you think has made this public?


I'm guessing it wasn't the player. Like Mascherano's missus, it seems players aren't just allowed to want a move in case supporters go absolutely bonkers. Everton HAD to sell Rooney, they'd have been financially fucked if they hadn't, but they still (stage) managed it to look like betrayal. At least here they're showing a bit of decorum but it still leaves Arteta open to accusations of emotional blackmail.


Maybe it's us who have to calm down? Players move, especially foreign lads who don't have the same emotional ties. 'Thanks for what you did, we'll use your money to get someone else - just like we've done it for decades'.

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Neg from Red Nick: "You really can't be that Xenophobic.".


It was a blind joke you tapas chewing berk. What's the word for 'Woooooooooosh' in Spanish?

Bravo Mr Royle. Two gags in one thread. I didn't see that one coming.


As for Arteta. Fuck him. He's a dirty snide twat, and after the years of nasty rumours that have been started by the bitters about plenty of our players, I'm not about to get on the Arteta family compassionate bandwagon. Good fucking riddance to him.

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  • 14 years later...
6 hours ago, Anubis said:




For the love of god, bury the Liverpool/Jurgen doc footage. Please. 


Joseph Swan invented the lightbulb. Edison was just the scientific equivalent of Fabrizio Romano, letting better minds do all the hard work then running in for the tap-in. 


QED: Edison was a cunt. Arteta is a cunt.

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I can't put my finger on it put reading sports articles and watching/listening to shows it seems this unstoppable Arsenal team are champions elect already, no other team has ran City this close before and after missing out the last two years that thus is now their time.


Their fans are of course smelling themselves again.



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7 minutes ago, manwiththestick said:

I can't put my finger on it put reading sports articles and watching/listening to shows it seems this unstoppable Arsenal team are champions elect already, no other team has ran City this close before and after missing out the last two years that thus is now their time.


Their fans are of course smelling themselves again.



Be fucking funny if they lose out by a point, again. 

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1 hour ago, Jarvinja Ilnow said:


Joseph Swan invented the lightbulb. Edison was just the scientific equivalent of Fabrizio Romano, letting better minds do all the hard work then running in for the tap-in. 


QED: Edison was a cunt. Arteta is a cunt.




200w (1).gif

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