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BBC Glastonbury Coverage

Vincent Vega

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6 minutes ago, Nelly-Szoboszlai said:

Idles are boss. I’m seeing them in Manchester in December. 

Absolutely brilliant band for Glastonbury, always smash it. Seeing them and Fontaines end of the year, hopefully they're decent next. Saw them at Lytham with the Strokes and they were very good.

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44 minutes ago, Bruce Spanner said:

Yeah, I edited once I’d realised.


I’m London then so might go to that.


She did a great thing at Somerset House years back and you could go and watch her conceive and record an album.



Was a great summer hanging around eating sandwiches and watching it.

Aye i went a couple of times!

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Will have a mooch on the iPlayer now for something decent. This Dua Lipa crowd are like something from a Take That concert. What the fucks happened? It all looks so sanitised and glossy. It’s a far cry from when we used to just hop over the fence in the 90s and spend the entire weekend completely ruined on chemicals. 

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17 minutes ago, Shitty Arse said:

Will have a mooch on the iPlayer now for something decent. This Dua Lipa crowd are like something from a Take That concert. What the fucks happened? It all looks so sanitised and glossy. It’s a far cry from when we used to just hop over the fence in the 90s and spend the entire weekend completely ruined on chemicals. 


It's shit. The music is like computerised advert jingles from the radio. It's fucking awful. 

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