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BBC Glastonbury Coverage

Vincent Vega

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9 minutes ago, Jairzinho said:

Christ, this is a depressing watch. No particular one singer or song. Just the coverage, and the crowds, people jogging, 15k yurts, etc.

Didn’t even know what a yurt was, just had to google it. It’s incredible what Glastonbury has become, from Marc Bolan singing to a couple of hundred sitting on bails of hay to this.

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12 minutes ago, Paul said:

Really liked Dive by Olivia Dean. I’ll check some more of her stuff. Sugababes were sound too. Always loved Freak Like Me, even if the original by Adina Howard is better. Shame that Mutya has totally warped her looks with apparently every kind of surgery going. 

I've just looked that lady up and she must have some form of body dysmorphia with what she's had done to herself. Such a shame.

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10 minutes ago, Bruce Spanner said:

Polly Jean is one of the few people in the world who could walk on stage and say ‘I’m going to play the new album in it’s entirety’ and you’d be completely fine with it despite her having an amazing back catalogue.


One of a kind brilliance. 

Is fucking right.


Her last tour last year she did exactly that....played new album front to back - then came back and played a few hits and deep cuts.


She is my favourite all time artist...In my book nobody compares.

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2 minutes ago, an tha said:

Is fucking right.


Her last tour last year she did exactly that....played new album front to back - then came back and played a few hits and deep cuts.


She is my favourite all time artist...In my book nobody compares.

Her one time boyfriend is better.  Like you say though all opinions.

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13 minutes ago, an tha said:

Is fucking right.


Her last tour last year she did exactly that....played new album front to back - then came back and played a few hits and deep cuts.


She is my favourite all time artist...In my book nobody compares.

If she belted out ‘50ft Queenie’ or ‘This Is Love’ it’d just feel odd as that was the old ‘her’.


I saw her in the ‘White Chalk’ tour and it was sublime, but nary a hit in sight.

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10 minutes ago, Bruce Spanner said:

If she belted out ‘50ft Queenie’ or ‘Is this Love’ it’d just feel odd as that was the old ‘her’.


I saw her in the ‘White Chalk’ tour and it was sublime, but nary a hit in sight.

I am going to see her in August at Gunnersbury Park London.


Expect a new album heavy set but with.


Setlist when i went last September - new album all the way through from start.







This is love by the way!....

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1 minute ago, an tha said:

I am going to see her in August at Gunnersbury Park London.


Expect a new album heavy set but with.


Setlist when i went last September - new album all the way through from start.







This is love by the way!....

Wasn’t there tonight but does Mick Harvey still work with her?

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5 minutes ago, an tha said:

I am going to see her in August at Gunnersbury Park London.


Expect a new album heavy set but with.


Setlist when i went last September - new album all the way through from start.







This is love by the way!....

Yeah, I edited once I’d realised.


I’m London then so might go to that.


She did a great thing at Somerset House years back and you could go and watch her conceive and record an album.



Was a great summer hanging around eating sandwiches and watching it.

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40 minutes ago, Bruce Spanner said:

Polly Jean is one of the few people in the world who could walk on stage and say ‘I’m going to play the new album in it’s entirety’ and you’d be completely fine with it despite her having an amazing back catalogue.


One of a kind brilliance. 

I want to have her babies

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