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BBC Glastonbury Coverage

Vincent Vega

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19 hours ago, Gnasher said:


The music scene's gone. 















Just had another look at this and I'm  sure I saw our very own Cloggypops out for an early morning run there. No doubt his early morning run was before he spent a few hours in the healing field before queuing at the front of the pyramid stage for 4 hours caked in glitter to see Dua Lipa. 


Can't fault the man. 



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12 minutes ago, Gnasher said:


Just had another look at this and I'm  sure I saw our very own Cloggypops out for an early morning run there. No doubt his early morning run was before he spent a few hours in the healing field before queuing at the front of the pyramid stage for 4 hours caked in glitter to see Dua Lipa. 


Can't fault the man. 




I only run if it's the last bus. 


Years since I've been there. Camped out on the main stage not really my thing. More likely to bump into Dua Lipa here in Leiden anyway. She's got family here and likes hanging out at the bars with a decent terrace on the canal apparently. 

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9 minutes ago, cloggypop said:


I only run if it's the last bus. 


Years since I've been there. Camped out on the main stage not really my thing. More likely to bump into Dua Lipa here in Leiden anyway. She's got family here and likes hanging out at the bars with a decent terrace on the canal apparently. 


Oh fuck. OK. Sorry Cloggy. I phoned immigration to get you turfed out. 


I might come over Leiden now you've said that. 


I went to Glastonbury ten years solid in eighties, didn't pay a penny. I went again with the youngsters in 2000, Bowie headlined. I found it a bit weird. It was all dance and pills. Maybe I was a bit old. 

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1 hour ago, an tha said:

PJ Harvey smashing it.


If that set was at night with all the extra atmosphere it brings and the lighting etc it would be being raved about.


Superb artist. Superb set.

I don’t think I have ever seen her not smash it at Glastonbury. 

Paul Heston was also very enjoyable. LCD Soundsytem too. 


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1 hour ago, an tha said:

PJ Harvey smashing it.


If that set was at night with all the extra atmosphere it brings and the lighting etc it would be being raved about.


Superb artist. Superb set.


And I now know what James Johnston is up to. Loved Gallon Drunk. He was in Bad Seeds for a while as well. Man of taste. 

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Really liked Dive by Olivia Dean. I’ll check some more of her stuff. Sugababes were sound too. Always loved Freak Like Me, even if the original by Adina Howard is better. Shame that Mutya has totally warped her looks with apparently every kind of surgery going. 

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