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US shows recommendations

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Guest Numero Veinticinco

What about this Silicon Valley?

Shit with good parts or good with shit parts. Anyway, I managed to watch it through whilst working. Not one you'd watch as an event like GoT or something.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Just read the entire thread to see if there was anything I'd missed and bit started watching yet that I hadn't heard of!


Of the ones mentioned I've seen

The shield


True blood


Ray donavin



Wire (on series 4)



So still have loads of series to watch! We have game of thrones recorded to do next and will then do breaking bad!


One series that we watched and liked (very light hearted) was white collar

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I like the strain, I'm definitely staying with it at this point. It's not groundbreaking TV, but it's a good vampire/monster story and it's got plenty of scope to improve. Some parts of it are cliched, sure, but you'd struggle to make a vampire show/movie without throwing the odd cliche in. 7/10 for me so far.

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Watched the pilot of the flash,seems like it could be a fun series if it becomes one.Watched the first couple of episodes of Manhattan and not to sure about this one.Just finished season three of continium and started watching season two of under the dome and defiance and Ray Donovan.

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  • 1 month later...
Guest Numero Veinticinco

I have to say subtle is the last thing I ever expect of a US TV show, especially from anyone other than HBO.

There are plenty of american shows and channels that bring subtlety. They lead the world in all sorts of TV.

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There are plenty of american shows and channels that bring subtlety. They lead the world in all sorts of TV.

I like american TV, but I don't think subtlety applies most of the times. Show after show they show indicate something then 10 mins later shout it from the roof tops and in case someone missed it, they'll deliver the message again - especially on shows from the big 5 stations.
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It was just the shoehorning of all the villains which seemed a bit over the top.


It wasn't a bad show pilot just bang average when it could have been superb. Also the title intro looks like it's been put together by a amateur.


Anyway transparent looks great but I don't want to sign up to amazon prime.

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