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I've mentioned this before but I am really enjoying Hatufim(Prisoners Of War) which is the Israeli series Homeland is loosely(very) based upon. Ive just begun series 2.

Really,really good stuff when its genuinely homegrown,like Gomorrah is.


That was a seriously good first series ( Hatufim ) , watched the 2nd and I thought it was ok , but not as good  - still worth watching  though .


Just watching the 2nd series of Rectify and already has a far more solid feel than the 1st .


On the last episode of Ray Donovan  , and the acting is so fucking amateurish  it's almost as shit as Jericho -  really really poor 

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That was a seriously good first series ( Hatufim ) , watched the 2nd and I thought it was ok , but not as good - still worth watching though .


Just watching the 2nd series of Rectify and already has a far more solid feel than the 1st .


On the last episode of Ray Donovan , and the acting is so fucking amateurish it's almost as shit as Jericho - really really poor

I agree with you about Ray Donovan.

I realise its shit but I am strangely drawn to it. No idea why but maybe its my type of escapism rubbish tv?

Jon Voight is obviously playing it for laughs.

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It was just the shoehorning of all the villains which seemed a bit over the top.


It wasn't a bad show pilot just bang average when it could have been superb. Also the title intro looks like it's been put together by a amateur.


I called it back on May on Gotham with them giving us ridiculous knowing winks about characters.


it's the first episode calling him Oswald Cobblepot for half a season isn't going to damage the show, you don't need him holding an umbrella and having a hired goon call him penguin.

You don't need a shot of a little girl called ivy stroking a plant ,Or a policeman telling Edward nigma that he's sick of his riddles.


You certainly don't need catwoman stealing a pint of milk to feed stray cats while dressed in a toned down catwoman outfit who just happens to appear at set intervals including the death of bruces parents.


And given it's a show not about batman was it necessary to kill off the waynes in the first 5 minutes in a scene lacking in any kind of emotion or gravitas.



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  • 5 months later...

I finished Rectify yesterday, which started last month and is about a man who spent 19 years on deathrow having his sentence overturned and returning to society. There are only six episodes and it's written by the guy who played Lincoln Potter in Sons of Anarchy and the epileptic priest in Deadwood. I think it's good. It's well acted, well shot and there are a lot of interesting themes at play as well as the uncertainty about whether he committed the crime or not, because his release was on a technicality, rather than innocence. It is cerebral and the pace is very deliberate, bordering on slow, so it's not for everybody. They also explore religion at length, as it's based in the south.

Finally finished the second season of Rectify. I stalled on watching it, because as beautiful, spiritually expansive and well-acted as it was, there seemed to be a lack of narrative momentum, which meant I never felt compelled to watch the next episode. That changes in the back half of the season, with the mystery of whether Holden is a murderer becoming more prominent. I thought it was outstanding, certainly one of the best seasons I've seen in years.

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Rectify is a thoughtful type of series with lots of character interaction and dialogue as opposed to action. I like this myself.

It strikes me as more of a stage play brought to the small screen and works very,very well.

The lack of cliffhanger end of episodes makes it difficult to sort of 'put it in your diary' for downloading,as Kevin previously said,but its a superior drama with a real life feel to it due to being shot almost entirely on location in Georgia,where it is set.

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  • 7 months later...
  • 1 year later...
  • 2 months later...

Finally finished the second season of Rectify. I stalled on watching it, because as beautiful, spiritually expansive and well-acted as it was, there seemed to be a lack of narrative momentum, which meant I never felt compelled to watch the next episode. That changes in the back half of the season, with the mystery of whether Holden is a murderer becoming more prominent. I thought it was outstanding, certainly one of the best seasons I've seen in years.

Watched the final episode earlier, and I didn't think Season 4 had its usual quality.


Having said that, the final two episodes closed the show beautifully, and I was mesmerised, once again.

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