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Instant cunt identifiers


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Claiming the glory for a team effort in an email chain is up there.


As a team we had to carry out the calibration checks on the lab equipment. Our team leader has just retired and left a load of stuff about to go out of calibration.


We all chipped in and carried out the cal checks and our Senior Test Engineer claims all the glory and gets all the praise. I genuinely cannot wait to leave this team in January when I get my start date for my new role.

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Boy I'm training at my work just now (who is fucking useless), he took two calls this morning, decided he couldn't be arsed with them so transferred them both to me & clicked his fingers at me to get my attention.


First time I thought I'd imagined it but no, he did it again.


What the actual fuck? I'm still in disbelief.

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3 minutes ago, Mook said:

Boy I'm training at my work just now (who is fucking useless), he took two calls this morning, decided he couldn't be arsed with them so transferred them both to me & clicked his fingers at me to get my attention.


First time I thought I'd imagined it but no, he did it again.


What the actual fuck? I'm still in disbelief.

You need to lock that shit down with some good old-fashioned workplace bullying.

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9 minutes ago, Mook said:

Boy I'm training at my work just now (who is fucking useless), he took two calls this morning, decided he couldn't be arsed with them so transferred them both to me & clicked his fingers at me to get my attention.


First time I thought I'd imagined it but no, he did it again.


What the actual fuck? I'm still in disbelief.

Don't answer the transfer.



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42 minutes ago, Mook said:

Boy I'm training at my work just now (who is fucking useless), he took two calls this morning, decided he couldn't be arsed with them so transferred them both to me & clicked his fingers at me to get my attention.


First time I thought I'd imagined it but no, he did it again.


What the actual fuck? I'm still in disbelief.


Kill him.

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46 minutes ago, Mook said:

Boy I'm training at my work just now (who is fucking useless), he took two calls this morning, decided he couldn't be arsed with them so transferred them both to me & clicked his fingers at me to get my attention.


First time I thought I'd imagined it but no, he did it again.


What the actual fuck? I'm still in disbelief.




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48 minutes ago, Mook said:

Boy I'm training at my work just now (who is fucking useless), he took two calls this morning, decided he couldn't be arsed with them so transferred them both to me & clicked his fingers at me to get my attention.


First time I thought I'd imagined it but no, he did it again.


What the actual fuck? I'm still in disbelief.

He has no respect for you and I don’t blame him.

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58 minutes ago, Mook said:

Boy I'm training at my work just now (who is fucking useless), he took two calls this morning, decided he couldn't be arsed with them so transferred them both to me & clicked his fingers at me to get my attention.


First time I thought I'd imagined it but no, he did it again.


What the actual fuck? I'm still in disbelief.


you cannot let that go unpunished Mook.

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1 hour ago, Mook said:

Boy I'm training at my work just now (who is fucking useless), he took two calls this morning, decided he couldn't be arsed with them so transferred them both to me & clicked his fingers at me to get my attention.


First time I thought I'd imagined it but no, he did it again.


What the actual fuck? I'm still in disbelief.

Next time he asks you to “put the kettle on squire”, walk a bit slower to the kitchen, then place his drink on his coaster with the handle facing away from him before you get back to doing his admin. 

That’ll show the cunt. 

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1 hour ago, Mook said:

Boy I'm training at my work just now (who is fucking useless), he took two calls this morning, decided he couldn't be arsed with them so transferred them both to me & clicked his fingers at me to get my attention.


First time I thought I'd imagined it but no, he did it again.


What the actual fuck? I'm still in disbelief.

You need to stab him basically else you’re his work bitch for life. 

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2 hours ago, YorkshireRed said:

Next time he asks you to “put the kettle on squire”, walk a bit slower to the kitchen, then place his drink on his coaster with the handle facing away from him before you get back to doing his admin. 

That’ll show the cunt. 


That's cold.

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4 hours ago, Mook said:

Boy I'm training at my work just now (who is fucking useless), he took two calls this morning, decided he couldn't be arsed with them so transferred them both to me & clicked his fingers at me to get my attention.


First time I thought I'd imagined it but no, he did it again.


What the actual fuck? I'm still in disbelief.

You should have broken the offending fingers

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