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Sick of being Fat

Fowlers God

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On 23/11/2024 at 23:02, Jennings said:

The gym etiquette is a massive mystery. Should go in the conspiracy thread.


I want to go get the 1.25 weights - but I don't wanna lose my position on the bench press place thing.

The machine looked free but someone said they were using it, while also using another machine on supersets or some shit.

Blokes sitting around for hours on the pull-down machine without seemingly using it.

People not respecting other's personal space and throwing medicine balls up walls in close proximity.

People flexing muscles in front of the mirror, blocking access to the little pink dumbbells - which I obviously need for my next bicep curls.

Anyone sat at a machine not doing anything I'd just ask "you got many more on there pal?" Or "can I jump on?" 

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On 23/11/2024 at 21:32, Jennings said:

56 and I have joined a gym. 


I have never really lifted weights properly before. I have dabbled in the works gym - but never really as part of a program.


I can only press 40Kg.

When I started training the fella showing me said try using these 20ib dumbbells for shoulder presses. I nearly dropped them so had to use 15ib. Now I can do 65 ib dumbbells.


Obviously age won't help as I was 19 then but you'll be surprised how much it'll go up as you train 


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On 24/11/2024 at 02:02, Jennings said:

The gym etiquette is a massive mystery. Should go in the conspiracy thread.


I want to go get the 1.25 weights - but I don't wanna lose my position on the bench press place thing.

The machine looked free but someone said they were using it, while also using another machine on supersets or some shit.

Blokes sitting around for hours on the pull-down machine without seemingly using it.

People not respecting other's personal space and throwing medicine balls up walls in close proximity.

People flexing muscles in front of the mirror, blocking access to the little pink dumbbells - which I obviously need for my next bicep curls.

I used to go to Vics gym on Beech Street, later became Gym21 I think?

Full of bouncers and gangsters roided up along with the odd shooting.

One lad who went there didn't really need weights, he was blessed with size and shape. Great hair and good looking. He stripped off for a shower one day and we thought, here we go, needle dick. Hung like a fuckin horse!

At that point I realised life ain't fair.

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8 hours ago, littletedwest said:

Anyone sat at a machine not doing anything I'd just ask "you got many more on there pal?" Or "can I jump on?" 


“Can I jump” on could lead to an awkward turn of events mate. Unless it’s a fit bird in which case alright Stacksy. I always say give us a shout when you’re nearly done on there please mate. It doesn’t really bother me what order I do things in. I really need to start going back more. Having weights and a small bench at home has made me lazy. I barely even touch them. 

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3 hours ago, DalyanPete said:

I used to go to Vics gym on Beech Street, later became Gym21 I think?

Full of bouncers and gangsters roided up along with the odd shooting.

One lad who went there didn't really need weights, he was blessed with size and shape. Great hair and good looking. He stripped off for a shower one day and we thought, here we go, needle dick. Hung like a fuckin horse!

At that point I realised life ain't fair.

Imagine how I felt being stared at in the shower by a load of blokes. 

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On 23/11/2024 at 22:27, Section_31 said:

Weights are the only thing I've ever been good at. I've got some sort of muscle X men style shit and I can build it without trying, people used to ask the gym staff if I was on roids. 


All i could hear in my head when reading that was this guy. 

David Brent Fans on X: "IT Guy: “So, what's the score?” Gareth: “Wolves 0,  Liverpool 1.” IT Guy: “Correct. At last.” https://t.co/4bdOZGKscj" / X

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10 minutes ago, Total Longo said:


All i could hear in my head when reading that was this guy. 

David Brent Fans on X: "IT Guy: “So, what's the score?” Gareth: “Wolves 0,  Liverpool 1.” IT Guy: “Correct. At last.” https://t.co/4bdOZGKscj" / X

"So I was squatting 500kg, slipped on a banana peel and everyone was thinking he's definitely dead, I bounced on my back whilst still holding the weight, straight back to my feet, carried on squatting and said I don't know what you were worried about."

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20 minutes ago, Elite said:

"So I was squatting 500kg, slipped on a banana peel and everyone was thinking he's definitely dead, I bounced on my back whilst still holding the weight, straight back to my feet, carried on squatting and said I don't know what you were worried about."


"I went down there the day it opened and the bloke that runs the gym said "oi, no professionals" 


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11 hours ago, DalyanPete said:

I used to go to Vics gym on Beech Street, later became Gym21 I think?

Full of bouncers and gangsters roided up along with the odd shooting.

One lad who went there didn't really need weights, he was blessed with size and shape. Great hair and good looking. He stripped off for a shower one day and we thought, here we go, needle dick. Hung like a fuckin horse!

At that point I realised life ain't fair.

I haven't got my hair any more. I quit the gym too as I felt as though I was being spied on in the showers.

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 09/12/2024 at 21:00, TheSire said:

Haha you get some people who basically act like apes. Massive insecurity screaming out from extreme attention seeking behaviour. Slamming weights and doing sex jizz grunting sounds, definitely so that people look, so weird.

I remember going to one over t'water and these 2 juiceheads were spotting each other and yelling out slogans...push it to the max..feel the burn.



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I’m fat again. I enjoyed losing weight early last year and I’ve enjoyed the process of being a fat cunt and putting it back on again. Haven’t touched the scales in ages. 

I reckon I’m gonna have a dabble with these jabs, see what all the fuss is about. But first I’m gonna completely stop smoking weed again. I figure with the money I’ll save on that and shite food then it could be cost effective anyway. 

Maybe it could be done every year. Lose the weight before the summer, then as soon as the weather starts getting colder you bulk up like a bear hibernating for the winter. 

Surely that’s totally healthy and sustainable. 

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Went home for Christmas and they've opened a new weed dispensary in town, right next door to the pizza joint.


There should be some sort of bylaw against this type of thing.


At least make people walk a few steps--if even to the car and back a couple of times--to get from one to the other.



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20 minutes ago, Elite said:

We are going to see a massive shift in the demographic of the needle exchange, instead of smackheads and roidheads, it'll be full of fat cunts.


It really is going to change society and how we engage with food/restaraunts etc.


I've tried Mounjaro, not because I'm overweight more that I was curious and had access to it for free. It is great, I really enjoyed the month I used it for and could see myself adopting it as a lifestyle choice.


You don't eat because you're bored, you don't tend towards eating junk, you look forward to your meals without the gluttony and you are not just grazing all day as we've been conditioned to by every billboard and advert we've had rammed down our throats every waking second.


It was kind of liberating.


I lost a little weight, but in truth I was more excited to experience it and I really enjoyed not being fixated on food and really enjoying what I did eat.


If this brings about a societal change in how we engage with food it would change the direction of humanity, and I'm not prone to hyperbole.


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Another bonus is all the former fat lasses who start looking fit but whom, deep down, still feel fat. All it'll take is a wink and some supermarket flowers and they'll be gobbling sausage like a newly released German prisoner of war.

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I’ve been thinking about it for a while, but I’m now sold. 

I’ll take a couple of weeks to do a farewell tour of all my favourite takeaways then, as soon as I can get hold of the gear, I’ll be shooting up with all the other ageing fat fucks. 

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