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4 hours ago, Gnasher said:


I almost said earlier that the Japan crash could spread around the world but didn't want it to seem like fearmongering. It looks like it could though, Bitcoin dropped below 50k earlier too for the first time since February so crypto isn't good either, maybe that'll pick up faster than other things though.

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Eh?? The last dozen or so of my dates haven't turned up! All at the same Italian restaurant. I thought it rude not to have three or four bottles of Sangiovese and a small plate of pasta whilst waiting. 


Now I read this!!!





They dont even bother themselves putting out a glass or cutlery for the chair opposite anymore. 

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Just now, whtwht said:

I'm still pretty happy off Twitter. Are the bluetidks still cussing people for being poor if they aren't  paying for the monthly subscription?


Who cares? Binning off Twitter is one of the better decisions I have made.

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