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What constitutes the perfect cooked breakfast?


Beans with a full English?  

231 members have voted

  1. 1. Beans with a full English?

    • Aye, bean me up, Scotty.
    • Nay, poke your beans up your bum, one at a time.

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26 minutes ago, YorkshireRed said:

It’s one thing if a cafe cuts your toast into triangles but if you choose to do it yourself then surely it’s a cry for help of some kind. 

Are you ok Bob? How can someone other than me help?

If you're eating paté it's right to cut it into small triangles. Don't ask me why; it just is.

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I wasn’t going to do this today but the glory of this one couldn’t be missed.


I liken the two poached eggs to two star crossed lovers (think Stig and Stronium) who have decided that this world is undeserving of a love like theirs, so have decided to jump to their deaths in a sea of beans. 

Premier Inn in Ansty, near Coventry.





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6 minutes ago, YorkshireRed said:

I wasn’t going to do this today but the glory of this one couldn’t be missed.


I liken the two poached eggs to two star crossed lovers (think Stig and Stronium) who have decided that this world is undeserving of a love like theirs, so have decided to jump to their deaths in a sea of beans. 

Premier Inn in Ansty, near Coventry.





That plate looks like Coventry. You dirty dirty bastard 

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3 hours ago, YorkshireRed said:

I wasn’t going to do this today but the glory of this one couldn’t be missed.


I liken the two poached eggs to two star crossed lovers (think Stig and Stronium) who have decided that this world is undeserving of a love like theirs, so have decided to jump to their deaths in a sea of beans. 

Premier Inn in Ansty, near Coventry.






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14 hours ago, YorkshireRed said:

I wasn’t going to do this today but the glory of this one couldn’t be missed.


I liken the two poached eggs to two star crossed lovers (think Stig and Stronium) who have decided that this world is undeserving of a love like theirs, so have decided to jump to their deaths in a sea of beans. 

Premier Inn in Ansty, near Coventry.





The toast is (rightly) trying to escape the murderous rampage of clunge plasma. Don't go back for the poor mushrooms, they are already fallen

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22 hours ago, Lurtz said:

I cut my toast in triangles, even at home.


Fuck the lot of you. 

Fucking right you do. Because you've got a little thing called self respect. 


And you know what, that's not limited to self respect. You've got my respect also.

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Sandwich or toast should be cut in half, right down the middle if cut at all. 


Only other exception is cutting toast into soldiers for a boiled egg but even that should generally stop once a adult. 


Triangles are shit and cause the filling to fall out of the bread. 

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12 minutes ago, Remmie said:

Fucking morons the lot of you. Toast should be buttered, then placed unsliced in front of you. Then headbutted repeatedly until broken into squashed pieces merged with blood and chipped china, crumbs stuck to your head.






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