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What constitutes the perfect cooked breakfast?


Beans with a full English?  

231 members have voted

  1. 1. Beans with a full English?

    • Aye, bean me up, Scotty.
    • Nay, poke your beans up your bum, one at a time.

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2 hours ago, TheHowieLama said:

How is there a full breakfast being served with a bunch of stuff not yet washed?? What is that, from last night?


I made the food for my tea. I cooked it at half time in the footie. There were glasses on the side from earlier in the day. I'm OK with all of that.

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50 minutes ago, Bob said:

Lovely. My hangover has gone. I can get on with a productive day for a few hours before the tiredness kicks in and I fall asleep in front of some football.




I knew Santa was real. He lives with Bob and looks flabbergasted at how shit his breakfasts are. 

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42 minutes ago, Bjornebye said:

Repped for acknowledging that repping beans touching an egg is neg worthy 

Both repped.


I'm not arsed about beans, I can go with or without. I can swing both ways, switch hit, AC/DC, half rice half chips.


But there are rules, basic standards.


Ramekins are a necessary evil when getting a fry up out, as there is always some picky get who will moan and they do at least ensure it doesn’t pollute. Do that at home you’re a cunt.


Beans should be well cooked through, the juice reduced so the beans are nearly a sludge, juice should never infect the better constituent parts of the cooked breakfast. 

The beans should always be hot, lukewarm beans can fuck off.

Preferably Heinz but Branston is okay too.


Beans should never touch the fucking egg. Ever. They should be placed 180 degrees from the egg. And preferably not touch meat. Perhaps dammed by a sausage for the amateur cook, but can be held back by a fried slice or toast. 

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1 hour ago, RJ Fan club said:

Both repped.


I'm not arsed about beans, I can go with or without. I can swing both ways, switch hit, AC/DC, half rice half chips.


But there are rules, basic standards.


Ramekins are a necessary evil when getting a fry up out, as there is always some picky get who will moan and they do at least ensure it doesn’t pollute. Do that at home you’re a cunt.


Beans should be well cooked through, the juice reduced so the beans are nearly a sludge, juice should never infect the better constituent parts of the cooked breakfast. 

The beans should always be hot, lukewarm beans can fuck off.

Preferably Heinz but Branston is okay too.


Beans should never touch the fucking egg. Ever. They should be placed 180 degrees from the egg. And preferably not touch meat. Perhaps dammed by a sausage for the amateur cook, but can be held back by a fried slice or toast. 

All these rules, to enable your cowardice. You're gonna want all that lovely bean juice to get  mopped up by your sausage or your toast or your black pudding anyway, embrace it. 

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4 hours ago, Bob said:

Lovely. My hangover has gone. I can get on with a productive day for a few hours before the tiredness kicks in and I fall asleep in front of some football.





Mrs, S. isn't impressed because there are no car keys.


She's right as well.


Looks good that though.

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