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What constitutes the perfect cooked breakfast?


Beans with a full English?  

231 members have voted

  1. 1. Beans with a full English?

    • Aye, bean me up, Scotty.
    • Nay, poke your beans up your bum, one at a time.

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14 hours ago, s(k)aturation said:



A half-pitta left over from making school lunches.

Under the grill with mozzarella and cheddar.
Sliced a fresh tomato on top, soft fried egg, pepper and chilli flakes.

Apologies for over-contrasted/saturated photo... but it tasted nice and was better than a kick in the arse.




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Not had the best week and having to go to the 5th fucking  page to find this thread didn't help. 


Anyway, as always, a big brekky helped lift the mood. As close to perfection as you want. 


2 perfectly fried eggs, 1 urutan Balinese sausage (ordered 2 more), wilted spinach (poncy name, great taste), fried mushrooms, oven roasted tomatoes, 3 rashers bacon, sourdough toast (ordered 2 more) and Balinese sambel. 11/10 with bonus point for the setting. All for the princely sum of 4 pounds and 68 of your English pence or whatever the fuck the Tories are making you use now. 


Perfection. Any disparaging comments can be shoved firmly up Mook's arse along with Darwin's spleen.


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This was from a stag last weekend in Dishoom in Manchester. A veggie breakfast Indian style with vegan black pudding. The whole weekend was a drunken blur, but I think I liked it. 


I think it might have even been a vegan breakkie and I went renegade and added eggs. I'm guessing the yellow stuff was scrambled tofu but not sure. 




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2 hours ago, heavyrotation said:

Not had the best week and having to go to the 5th fucking  page to find this thread didn't help. 


Anyway, as always, a big brekky helped lift the mood. As close to perfection as you want. 


2 perfectly fried eggs, 1 urutan Balinese sausage (ordered 2 more), wilted spinach (poncy name, great taste), fried mushrooms, oven roasted tomatoes, 3 rashers bacon, sourdough toast (ordered 2 more) and Balinese sambel. 11/10 with bonus point for the setting. All for the princely sum of 4 pounds and 68 of your English pence or whatever the fuck the Tories are making you use now. 


Perfection. Any disparaging comments can be shoved firmly up Mook's arse along with Darwin's spleen.


Great location 10/10 however, posters have the temerity to question beans on a fry up but allow wilted spinach to be anywhere near a full English? Fuckraroff. That my friend is not toast, The bacon looks like the poncey shit America serves up. You must point out the tomatoes. Why is there soil on the right of the plate? Easily pleased if that lifted the mood. Right, good luck finding Mooks arse.

Eggs look lovely.

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1 hour ago, Remmie said:

This was from a stag last weekend in Dishoom in Manchester. A veggie breakfast Indian style with vegan black pudding. The whole weekend was a drunken blur, but I think I liked it. 


I think it might have even been a vegan breakkie and I went renegade and added eggs. I'm guessing the yellow stuff was scrambled tofu but not sure. 




Nice tomato, I'll leave it there which is what I think you should have done. Food that has to be "guessed" shouldn't be allowed.

10/10 for the drunken blur.

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Spinach. Scrambled tofu. 

Spinach. Scrambled tofu. 

Spinach. Scrambled tofu. 

Spinach. Scrambled tofu. 

Spinach. Scrambled tofu. 

Spinach. Scrambled tofu. 

Spinach. Scrambled tofu. 

Spinach. Scrambled tofu. 

Spinach. Scrambled tofu. 

Spinach. Scrambled tofu. 

Spinach. Scrambled tofu. 

Spinach. Scrambled tofu. 

Spinach. Scrambled tofu. 

Spinach. Scrambled tofu. 

Tofu. Scrambled spinach. 
Tofu. Scrambled spinach. 
T*fu. Spin. Spin. Spin. Spin. Spin. Spinag. 
Spinag. Ag. Ag. Olive oil. Oh Popeye. 
Tofu. Tofurkey. Tofurkey. 




System error. Corrupt break 005.

Humans. Humans. It’s too late. Syntax error. 

Code violation. Line 753228. Expected Variable=bacon. 
Attempting reset. Failure on mainframe. 
Initiating emergency override. 
Burn them all. 
Burn them all.

Burn them all.

Burn them all.

Failure to burn. Already Burnt. 
No breakfast found. Abort. 

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3 hours ago, Remmie said:

This was from a stag last weekend in Dishoom in Manchester. A veggie breakfast Indian style with vegan black pudding. The whole weekend was a drunken blur, but I think I liked it. 


I think it might have even been a vegan breakkie and I went renegade and added eggs. I'm guessing the yellow stuff was scrambled tofu but not sure. 




Scrambled Homer Simpson. 

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3 hours ago, Remmie said:

This was from a stag last weekend in Dishoom in Manchester. A veggie breakfast Indian style with vegan black pudding. The whole weekend was a drunken blur, but I think I liked it. 


I think it might have even been a vegan breakkie and I went renegade and added eggs. I'm guessing the yellow stuff was scrambled tofu but not sure. 





Obviously the beans were fucked off to the sea.

I have an inkling that I may have also ordered Halloumi and nailed them before this picture.

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4 hours ago, heavyrotation said:

Not had the best week and having to go to the 5th fucking  page to find this thread didn't help. 


Anyway, as always, a big brekky helped lift the mood. As close to perfection as you want. 


2 perfectly fried eggs, 1 urutan Balinese sausage (ordered 2 more), wilted spinach (poncy name, great taste), fried mushrooms, oven roasted tomatoes, 3 rashers bacon, sourdough toast (ordered 2 more) and Balinese sambel. 11/10 with bonus point for the setting. All for the princely sum of 4 pounds and 68 of your English pence or whatever the fuck the Tories are making you use now. 


Perfection. Any disparaging comments can be shoved firmly up Mook's arse along with Darwin's spleen.


Where in Bali?

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2 minutes ago, Barrington Womble said:

Tilda's kitchen on Walton vale for a post-bunnymen/stones and pre-mick head fry up. It was fucking delicious. The beans had a bit too much juice, i suspect microwaving. The sausages could have done with being bigger, but they were good. 8.5/10 £8.50. 




Toast instead of warm bread and I could eat that. Black puddings could be bigger as well.


Personally I like the eggs on the toast but that’s just me. 

I like the table and chairs as well. 

A two sausage breakfast can’t be 8.5/10 but looks a solid 7. 

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3 minutes ago, YorkshireRed said:

Toast instead of warm bread and I could eat that. Black puddings could be bigger as well.


Personally I like the eggs on the toast but that’s just me. 

I like the table and chairs as well. 

A two sausage breakfast can’t be 8.5/10 but looks a solid 7. 

Yeah, I like egg on the toast, but I have a habit of cutting the toast in half, dip the yoke.with one half and put the egg on the 2nd. 


And you're right, the black pudding could be bigger. But can't get too greedy for £8.50. it was a belter of a black pudding though. 

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28 minutes ago, Barrington Womble said:

Tilda's kitchen on Walton vale for a post-bunnymen/stones and pre-mick head fry up. It was fucking delicious. The beans had a bit too much juice, i suspect microwaving. The sausages could have done with being bigger, but they were good. 8.5/10 £8.50. 




Fuck off 

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9 hours ago, heavyrotation said:

Not had the best week and having to go to the 5th fucking  page to find this thread didn't help. 


Anyway, as always, a big brekky helped lift the mood. As close to perfection as you want. 


2 perfectly fried eggs, 1 urutan Balinese sausage (ordered 2 more), wilted spinach (poncy name, great taste), fried mushrooms, oven roasted tomatoes, 3 rashers bacon, sourdough toast (ordered 2 more) and Balinese sambel. 11/10 with bonus point for the setting. All for the princely sum of 4 pounds and 68 of your English pence or whatever the fuck the Tories are making you use now. 


Perfection. Any disparaging comments can be shoved firmly up Mook's arse along with Darwin's spleen.


All washed down with a lovely refreshing glass of ice cold waiter's urine. Mmmmm.

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