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What constitutes the perfect cooked breakfast?


Beans with a full English?  

231 members have voted

  1. 1. Beans with a full English?

    • Aye, bean me up, Scotty.
    • Nay, poke your beans up your bum, one at a time.

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5 hours ago, heavyrotation said:

Big Breakfast at Das Bistro, Bali. 


Ukranian, Noggie, Belrussian nor British brekkies can hold a candle to this beast. Some of the efforts on this thread make me weep with joy that the UK has fucked off from the EU!


2 bratwurst, 6 rashers of Bacon (sent back to crisp up a bit), a haufen Bratkartoffeln, twelvty pan roasted cherry tomatoes and a mound of well cooked fresh mushrooms (none of those canned ones favoured by nonces) and two perfectly fried eggs with runny yolks. As much toasted bread as you can shake a stick at (ignoring the brown bread is for sex offenders jibe, give ya head a wobble) The price...£2.50 with a cappuccino.


Ze Germans do it better.

IMG-20210618-WA0005-min (1)-min (1) (1)_2 (1).jpeg

Sausages look astoundingly good. The potatoes can do one.

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12 hours ago, Jose Jones said:

Went round to my mate Ed’s to watch the unmentionable. He was good enough to provide breakfast, not a bad effort.



That should look decent to me, but for some reason I hate it. The important ingredients look good quality and well cooked. Couple of minor flaws elsewhere, but all in all should be well received. Thing is, it’s made me want to make some food and lash my own plate at the wall. It’s the Maya Jama of breakfasts

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8 hours ago, heavyrotation said:

Big Breakfast at Das Bistro, Bali. 


Ukranian, Noggie, Belrussian nor British brekkies can hold a candle to this beast. Some of the efforts on this thread make me weep with joy that the UK has fucked off from the EU!


2 bratwurst, 6 rashers of Bacon (sent back to crisp up a bit), a haufen Bratkartoffeln, twelvty pan roasted cherry tomatoes and a mound of well cooked fresh mushrooms (none of those canned ones favoured by nonces) and two perfectly fried eggs with runny yolks. As much toasted bread as you can shake a stick at (ignoring the brown bread is for sex offenders jibe, give ya head a wobble) The price...£2.50 with a cappuccino.


Ze Germans do it better.

IMG-20210618-WA0005-min (1)-min (1) (1)_2 (1).jpeg

Potatoes. Brown toast. Raw bacon. Green seasoning. Jam.


How dare you. How VERY dare you!

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13 hours ago, Jose Jones said:

Went round to my mate Ed’s to watch the unmentionable. He was good enough to provide breakfast, not a bad effort.



I hate Ed. 

This is almost worse than the usual shambles posted on here. At least with those, it’s all shit. No saving graces.


The breakfast made by Ed (who I hate) could have been a contender. Sausages look good, the toast a decent effort.

Two black puddings probably indicate an unspoken desire to have you sexually which is sweet, although steer clear of Ed, he’s a cunt. 

Serving eggs like that though. A heinous crime. No way I’d be able to eat them as I’d suspect Ed had stuck his penis in them before handing the plate to you. Typical of Ed that. 

Hope you told him to fuck off with the water and bring you a second ale instead.


Fuck Ed. 

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Nothing to do with breakfasts but does anyone know what happened to the Raoul Moat thread? Can't find it ! Dave better not have deleted it. Me and the missus are babysitting her friends kids this evening at their house so I want something to read. 

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37 minutes ago, Bjornebye said:

Nothing to do with breakfasts but does anyone know what happened to the Raoul Moat thread? Can't find it ! Dave better not have deleted it. Me and the missus are babysitting her friends kids this evening at their house so I want something to read. 


I think he deleted it. I don't know why. It used to be here.



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1 minute ago, TheHowieLama said:

Rumours are - Dave is going to do a Platinum membership which includes all deleted content as well as all PM's exchanged amongst the fallen heroes.



You mean you aren’t already a platinum member? 

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5 minutes ago, TheHowieLama said:

If I was I wouldn't tell you - though how else would I know?

The fact you are looking for that thread and meself and Strontsy have it at our fingertips is telling.



I found the Boston bomb thread so all hope isn’t lost 

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