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On Granada reports just then,"david has done wonders when you consider what a manager not far away form us has done this season with all that money to spend"



fuckin bitter cunt come on chelsea


On the eve of the biggest day in their recent history he comes out with that tripe. How about Billy Bullshit coming good on his promise to find investment, and not spending the summer blagging the fans over the signing he is after. Soft bastard

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I half wanted Everton to win tomorrow. I remember the days when the rivalry was familial banter. I would love to get back to those days. I was comfortable enough in what Rafa is doing to feel generous towards them for tomorrow in the hope that they do well. I genuinely believe a lot of their bitterness over the years has stemmed from their own lack of success in comparison to us. They can't break into the top four, and on the one occasion they scraped it, we went and won the Champions League while they didn't even pass the qualifier.


So, how do I feel having read Kenwright's comments?


I'm afraid all generosity is now out the window. It will be one of the most one sided finals ever witnessed. Everton will not get near Chelsea. The gap will be as big as the gap between the teams on Wednesday night.

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Oh but let's still wish them the best for tomorrow hey, yeah I can see why so many of you want Everton to win tomorrow, fuck off.


Al, my hope for them was more for the decent blues I know. As for Moyes and Kenwright they should know better, furthering the bitter rivalry. If i had no blue mates I would want them to get thunder bummed.


Moyes was at it on a local radio interview. Had a sly dig about Heysel' date=' the Cunt.[/quote']


That is fucking amazingly low for the 'people's club', using Heysel to score points, on the anniversary as well. I haven't heard it myself but I trust your interpretation.

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Al, my hope for them was more for the decent blues I know. As for Moyes and Kenwright they should know better, furthering the bitter rivalry. If i had no blue mates I would want them to get thunder bummed.




That is fucking amazingly low for the 'people's club', using Heysel to score points, on the anniversary as well. I haven't heard it myself but I trust your interpretation.

Make no mistake about it mate, it was a sly dig about Heysel.


He was giving an interview for either City or Merseyside and said (not verbatim) 'Everton used to win Premier leagues and be in the CL until it was taken away by circumstances beyond our control'.


The man is an out and out Cunt.

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Make no mistake about it mate' date=' it was a sly dig about Heysel.


He was giving an interview for either City or Merseyside and said (not verbatim) [i']'Everton used to win Premier leagues and be in the CL until it was taken away by circumstances beyond our control'.[/i]


The man is an out and out Cunt.


Jeez, he timed that well didn't he!!!

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Make no mistake about it mate' date=' it was a sly dig about Heysel.


He was giving an interview for either City or Merseyside and said (not verbatim) [i']'Everton used to win Premier leagues and be in the CL until it was taken away by circumstances beyond our control'.[/i]


The man is an out and out Cunt.


What Moye did is more of a small club, victimized complex, which well, says more about him. But I think he was just singing to the choir -- which is very sad however you think about it.


That said, Heysel happened. We also need to accept it and move on -- can't forever get into defensivive posture when people talk about it or indirectly refer to it.

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What Moye did is more of a small club, victimized complex, which well, says more about him, unless it was playing to the choir.


Heysel happened. We also need to accept it and move on -- can't forever get into defensivive posture when people talk about it or indirectly refer to it.


You've missed the point, if someone wants to have ago at us because people were killed at Heysel that's fair enough, and we have to take it on the chin.


It's when cunts like Kenwright have ago at us because it stopped Everton playing in Europe that we get mightily pissed off.


Point scoring on the anniversary, not that that fucking quilt would've realised, on the eve of their first cup final in 15 years just about sums the management of that club up.

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Make no mistake about it mate' date=' it was a sly dig about Heysel.


He was giving an interview for either City or Merseyside and said (not verbatim) [i']'Everton used to win Premier leagues and be in the CL until it was taken away by circumstances beyond our control'.[/i]


The man is an out and out Cunt.


They seem to forget that whoppa Peter Johnson and thieving scumbag ways, and the succession of shit managers and players. No doubt that it stopped them competing in Europe with what was a very good side and that is a shame.


What Moye did is more of a small club, victimized complex, which well, says more about him. But I think he was just singing to the choir -- which is very sad however you think about it.


That said, Heysel happened. We also need to accept it and move on -- can't forever get into defensivive posture when people talk about it or indirectly refer to it.


Loads of blues will lap this up, you are right. However why he had to mention Heysel today, on the anniversary and on the eve of their biggest game in 14 years, I find disgraceful.


We all know Heysel happened and it dragged the club's name through the mud and rightly so, but there is no need for him to bring it up at this point in time. It is small time behaviour. The manager and chairman have both used today to have a pop at the club.

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