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8 hours ago, John102 said:

If you take any 4 digit number (must contain at least 2 distinct numbers) and rearrange it to the largest possible number, then subtract the smallest possible number that it can make, you will eventually always get to 6174.


Literal maths trivia.

That's absurd.

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For those is any doubt, an example. Pick 2024.


The biggest number you can make is 4220. The smallest 0224. The difference is 3996.

The biggest number you can make is 9963, the smallest 3699. The difference is 6264.

The biggest number you can make is 6642, the smallest 2466. The difference is 4176.

The biggest number you can make is 7641, the smallest 1467. The difference is 6174.


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1 hour ago, John102 said:

For those is any doubt, an example. Pick 2024.


The biggest number you can make is 4220. The smallest 0224. The difference is 3996.

The biggest number you can make is 9963, the smallest 3699. The difference is 6264.

The biggest number you can make is 6642, the smallest 2466. The difference is 4176.

The biggest number you can make is 7641, the smallest 1467. The difference is 6174.



To be fair you didn't explain the question fully in your first post 

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  • 1 month later...

As Christmas is around the corner, here is some trivia to impress your family with.


If you take 2 numbers, say 3 and 5 if this case (Can be any) and sum then up, to get a 3rd number (8), before summing number's 2 and 3, to get the 4th and so on, until you have 10 numbers. The sum of these numbers will always be 11 multiplied by the 7th number, in this case the 55. There are methods to do the 11 times table quickly, which i will save for a boxing day update....



The answer is 605


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