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New Girl on Countdown


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Countdown's Rachel Riley on her rising hemlines: 'I like short dresses and I'm not going to change' | Mail Online


'I like short dresses and I'm not going to change': Countdown's Rachel Riley on her rising hemlines

By Daily Mail Reporter

Last updated at 11:24 AM on 25th September 2009

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Her rapidly rising hemlines have attracted quite a bit of attention – not to mention a much-needed surge of interest in the ailing Channel 4 show.

But Countdown’s Rachel Riley has said she’s surprised and bemused by the attention, and insisted she’s simply trying to find her own style.

‘I am really surprised that what I am wearing on Countdown has got into the papers. I like short dresses and bought them when I went shopping with the show's stylist,’ the 23-year-old Oxford graduate said.


Can I've a 'wow' please Rachel? Ms Riley has taken to showing off her

legs on Countdown


'We film 15 shows in three days, so we have to get as much stuff as we can. When I first started I tried to wear things I thought a Countdown presenter should wear.

‘But as time has gone on, I know what I feel happy with in front of the camera - and what looks good on screen and what doesn't.

More...Countdown ratings plunge is all there in black and white as Rachel Riley slips on third short dress in as many days

'New Carol' Rachel Riley turns Countdown into Snap in the £159 Reiss dress already worn by Kate and Fiona


‘Also I am 23. I just try to put my own personality into the clothes.’

On Monday, Rachel set the ball rolling with a hot pink number, which she followed with a curve-enhancing red bandage dress. Wednesday, meanwhile, saw an even shorter sixties-style monochrome frock.

Short and sweet: Rachel says her flirty frocks reflect her personality


‘When it was filmed, I had only been back from holiday in Italy for a week. I had a tan and I was still in summer mode. You only have a tan for a couple of weeks a year, so I guess I made the most of it while I had got it,’ she told the Mirror.

But despite the attention, Rachel isn’t going to tone down her risqué look.

‘I'm not going to change. I will just wear what is comfortable. At the beginning there was stuff that looked bad - jumpers, trousers and skirts.

‘Some of the trousers looked frumpy and didn't look as good in front of the camera. So now I have gone for dresses really. I am more comfortable with dresses,’ she said.

Since Rachel took up the mantle in January with Sky Sports results supremo Jeff Stelling, ratings have fallen from 1.3million to 650,000.

Stelling, meanwhile, had a quip at the ready. 'I'm hoping the shortness of Rachel's dresses takes the attention away from the shortness of her co-host,’ he said.

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