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Boss adverts.


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My favourite advert of the last decade is still the Hovis one. That is a genuine work of art, and it still manages to talk about the product. I hate how if the ad men hit upon a good idea, they milk it to death so it becomes remembered as annoying. I'm thinking meercats here. The first couple were good for some gentle comedy, but then they went on overkill. With the fat opera singer, the ad men took a shit idea and went to extremes.

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My favourite advert of the last decade is still the Hovis one. That is a genuine work of art, and it still manages to talk about the product. I hate how if the ad men hit upon a good idea, they milk it to death so it becomes remembered as annoying. I'm thinking meercats here. The first couple were good for some gentle comedy, but then they went on overkill. With the fat opera singer, the ad men took a shit idea and went to extremes.


Those adverts really work though, if you needed car insurance you'd instantly think of them two - even if they're both incredibly irritating.


The meerkat thing baffles me though. What sort of moron would buy this:


A Simples Life: The Life and Times of Aleksandr Orlov: Amazon.co.uk: Aleksandr Orlov: Books


The word 'simples' is even being added to the dictionary.


Whoever came up with this idea must be raking it in.

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Cant post vids on here but the advert I love is the one where it has the fella in a chair and hes recreating all the old adverts from back in the days of good adverts.


I think its an actual advertising company advert.*









*Does any of what i have just said make sense?

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Those adverts really work though, if you needed car insurance you'd instantly think of them two - even if they're both incredibly irritating.




The thing is though, there are two comparison websites that I now wouldn't touch with a shitty stick because of their adverts.


Go Compare, for obvious reasons and Confused.com.


The Confused one because of the "The Internet is the most important invention of the 21st Century" bit. Twats. Do some fucking research before I twat you up the cunt with a 14.4k dialup modem.

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This is my favorite spot of all time. I'm probably a bit biased as it was my first paying gig as an assistant editor, but I absolutely love how it all comes together in the end.






Another favorite.






A more recent one to finish.




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Cant post vids on here but the advert I love is the one where it has the fella in a chair and hes recreating all the old adverts from back in the days of good adverts.


I think its an actual advertising company advert.*


*Does any of what i have just said make sense?


It does indeed. Fantastic. Especially at the end!




I really liked this one from the last couple of years. Especially the song.



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