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Police are cunts


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  • 3 weeks later...


A police officer who sexually abused a girl under the age of 13 has been sentenced to 10 years in prison. 

John Stringer, 43, from Cardiff, was found guilty of five counts of sexual abuse at a trial at Cardiff Crown Court in September. 

The court heard the victim suffered "severe psychological harm" as a result of Stringer's abuse. 

After his conviction, Stringer was dismissed from Gwent Police and barred from policing for life.

Judge Daniel Williams told the sentencing in Newport that Stringer's attempts to convince a jury of his innocence were "odious and cynical". 

He also said he was a "high risk to female children". 

Stringer was found guilty of two counts of sexual assault by touching and one charge of causing or inciting a child to engage in sexual activity.


He was also found guilty of causing or inciting a child to engage in sexual activity and causing a child to watch a sexual act.


In a personal victim statement, the court was told the abuse had left a "lasting negative, painful memory" of a large part of the girl's childhood. 

The statement, read by prosecution lawyer Ian Wright, said the girl started self-harming after the abuse and was "desperate to remove the feeling" of Stringer's hands on her body. 

Her family said "no matter how many times we told her she was loved, she won’t believe us".


The court heard she also had suicidal thoughts and had been taken to accident and emergency on many occasions, with the family scared she would take her own life. 

The statement added: "She has built her barrier high, she doesn't trust people, has no self esteem and blames herself."

Sentencing Stringer, Judge Williams said in relation to one aspect of the abuse "she told you she did not want to do it, but you kept on and on at her demanding she did".


He said the abuse was getting worse when Stringer was arrested. 


Judge Williams said it had been "heartbreaking" for the court to hear of the impact the abuse had on the girl.

Stringer was told "your status as a police officer enabled you to conceal your motives and offending".


Judge Williams told the family of the girl "it is clear to me that she is a kind, caring, intelligent and honest girl. She is to be commended for her courage in coming forward and her honesty in coming forward".

Det Sgt Annalisa Bartley from South Wales Police, the investigating force, said she hoped the outcome of the trial will help the victim "continue the process of recovering from this ordeal". 

"The victim in this case was incredibly brave and stoic in speaking out and helping to bring John Stringer to justice," she said.


Chief Constable Mark Hobrough, from Gwent Police, said Stringer was "dismissed from our services due to his sickening actions" and "despicable crimes".


He said: "Stringer has not only broken the oath of a police officer, but he has also betrayed his colleagues and the community he was meant to serve.


"I know this case will impact the confidence that victims of sexual assault feel in coming forward to report to us.


"Stringer's actions do not reflect the values of our staff, many of whom work tirelessly to support victims and bring perpetrators of child sexual abuse to justice."


Stringer will serve a minimum of five years in prison.


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11 minutes ago, Kevin D said:


A police officer who sexually abused a girl under the age of 13 has been sentenced to 10 years in prison. 

John Stringer, 43, from Cardiff, was found guilty of five counts of sexual abuse at a trial at Cardiff Crown Court in September. 

The court heard the victim suffered "severe psychological harm" as a result of Stringer's abuse. 

After his conviction, Stringer was dismissed from Gwent Police and barred from policing for life.

Judge Daniel Williams told the sentencing in Newport that Stringer's attempts to convince a jury of his innocence were "odious and cynical". 

He also said he was a "high risk to female children". 

Stringer was found guilty of two counts of sexual assault by touching and one charge of causing or inciting a child to engage in sexual activity.


He was also found guilty of causing or inciting a child to engage in sexual activity and causing a child to watch a sexual act.


In a personal victim statement, the court was told the abuse had left a "lasting negative, painful memory" of a large part of the girl's childhood. 

The statement, read by prosecution lawyer Ian Wright, said the girl started self-harming after the abuse and was "desperate to remove the feeling" of Stringer's hands on her body. 

Her family said "no matter how many times we told her she was loved, she won’t believe us".


The court heard she also had suicidal thoughts and had been taken to accident and emergency on many occasions, with the family scared she would take her own life. 

The statement added: "She has built her barrier high, she doesn't trust people, has no self esteem and blames herself."

Sentencing Stringer, Judge Williams said in relation to one aspect of the abuse "she told you she did not want to do it, but you kept on and on at her demanding she did".


He said the abuse was getting worse when Stringer was arrested. 


Judge Williams said it had been "heartbreaking" for the court to hear of the impact the abuse had on the girl.

Stringer was told "your status as a police officer enabled you to conceal your motives and offending".


Judge Williams told the family of the girl "it is clear to me that she is a kind, caring, intelligent and honest girl. She is to be commended for her courage in coming forward and her honesty in coming forward".

Det Sgt Annalisa Bartley from South Wales Police, the investigating force, said she hoped the outcome of the trial will help the victim "continue the process of recovering from this ordeal". 

"The victim in this case was incredibly brave and stoic in speaking out and helping to bring John Stringer to justice," she said.


Chief Constable Mark Hobrough, from Gwent Police, said Stringer was "dismissed from our services due to his sickening actions" and "despicable crimes".


He said: "Stringer has not only broken the oath of a police officer, but he has also betrayed his colleagues and the community he was meant to serve.


"I know this case will impact the confidence that victims of sexual assault feel in coming forward to report to us.


"Stringer's actions do not reflect the values of our staff, many of whom work tirelessly to support victims and bring perpetrators of child sexual abuse to justice."


Stringer will serve a minimum of five years in prison.


Only 10 years? I'd have doubled that.

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  • 2 weeks later...


Two Metropolitan Police officers have each been charged with four counts of sexual assault on a woman in London.


PCs Jerome Beasley, 41, and Luke Robinson, 39, who are both attached to the Central West Command Unit, allegedly sexually assaulted the woman at a venue in central London on 21 April while they were off duty.


The Met said both officers were currently suspended from duty and were due to appear at Westminster Magistrates’ Court on Wednesday.


The force added its Directorate of Professional Standards department was aware of the case.

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A woman has revealed how an undercover police officer formed a long-term intimate relationship with her without disclosing his real identity, vanished from her life – and then reappeared seven years later.


When the officer came back, she says, he persuaded her to break up with her then boyfriend of five years, saying he wanted to resume their relationship and have children together.


He then slept with her for a single night, disappearing from her life again before dawn the next morning without explanation. She feared he had made her pregnant as he had not wanted to use a condom, and so she had to get the morning-after pill.


The woman, known as Maya, has described how the officer, who used the fake name Rob Harrison, tormented her during their relationship with what she felt was controlling and coercive behaviour, such as regularly accusing her – falsely – of infidelity via text messages and then not speaking to her.


She said his abusive behaviour drove her to self-harm and to use heroin. “Sometimes I hope that he really loved me. Other times I think, ‘oh, you sick bastard’,” she said.


Maya had started the one-year relationship with “Harrison” in 2006, while he was infiltrating pro-Palestinian campaigners.


His conduct is to be examined by a judge-led public inquiry, which is looking at how about 139 undercover officers spied on more than 1,000 predominantly leftwing groups between 1968 and at least 2010.

One of the key issues for the inquiry is how the police spies frequently formed intimate relationships with women, often lasting years, without telling them they were undercover officers infiltrating political groups. Some fathered children during their deployments.


Harrison declined to comment. His lawyer said the officer had “provided a detailed statement to the inquiry and is co-operating with the inquiry” and believed that was “the correct venue” to deal with the matter.


Maya found out only in 2019 that Harrison was a police officer, which caused her to experience periods of suicidal feelings and further self-harm.

In a three-year covert deployment that started in 2004, Harrison infiltrated the International Solidarity Movement, a group supporting Palestinians, and anti-war campaigns. As part of his fake persona, he said he had a job as a sound engineer in south London and was a DJ called Boogie Knight.

What Maya calls her “shittiest relationship” started in May 2006. She was not politically active – but lived next door to campaigners in south London and socialised with them.


At a fundraising concert, Harrison made a sudden move on her, she said, asking out of the blue – “‘So you want to kiss me now?’ And I’m like, what?. I was shocked and flattered at the same time.” She was in her 20s, younger than Harrison, and inexperienced in relationships.


During their relationship, she said, he saw her only when he visited her home at night, and they would rarely go out as a couple. “I pretty much isolated myself from people who were very good friends,” she said.


She said she wondered “how much was he really using me to spy on people, versus how much was he using me just for sex, because, when he would come round, it would be 11 at night, one in the morning, these kind of crazy hours.


“I was always getting text messages … accusing me of running off with somebody else … he just wouldn’t reply to any of my calls. And so that would make me more frantic.”


She added: “I indulged in a lot of self-harm. And then I would tell him afterwards. And then he [would say] ‘I don’t want you to hurt yourself’. And then we’re back together. Then he comes up with more accusations. And it was just like this cycle.





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