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Police are cunts


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42 minutes ago, Rico1304 said:

What this has to do with a dog, a purely fictional dog at that, is beyond me.  As is you telling me what I can and can’t do on here.  

He was told to comply several times, he didn’t, he was tased.  Looks like it didn’t deploy properly due to his thick coat.  He still didn’t comply, the copper booted him.  You could argue he shouldn’t have done that. I’m less arsed. 

He didnt comply, lots of people don't comply, doesnt warrant the actions of the copper. 


My point of the dog was that the RSPCA would have somone strung up for that. 


You seem to be condoning the coppers actions.  Hes clearly a knuckle dragging bully who needs to get back into some training. The fucking state of him there with the taser on a man who could barely stand. 

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4 hours ago, Gnasher said:

People call on police officers to be armed? Imagine the bully with tazer in charge of a real gun? He'd shoot dead five people a shift. 


Half a dozen police involved, blood spilled, ambulance called, probably a court appearance followed by a fine/ social order for the drunk shoplifter, solicitor costs paid by legal aid and all for a can of strongbow.



Anyone think it's time for our authorities to have a bit of a rethink towards people suffering from drug/alcohol/social problems who commit petty crime.



Jesus christ 

You would think he had a suicide belt on.

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1 hour ago, melons said:

He didnt comply, lots of people don't comply, doesnt warrant the actions of the copper. 


My point of the dog was that the RSPCA would have somone strung up for that. 


You seem to be condoning the coppers actions.  Hes clearly a knuckle dragging bully who needs to get back into some training. The fucking state of him there with the taser on a man who could barely stand. 

I'd wager money that busy was bullied at school


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1 hour ago, Rico1304 said:

I’ve only seen the end of the interaction, but he didn’t do as he was told by a copper, by several coppers in fact.  There are consequences to that, either being smacked with an asp or being tased.  I have less of a problem with that than you do. 

And at several points he raises his arms defensively, and clearly unsteady on his legs. 2 coppers initially, the rest followed after he'd been tasered and was clearly even more disorientated. 

1 hour ago, Rico1304 said:

At 35 seconds the bystander hands another copper what looks like a hammer. Maybe he was just doing a bit of DIY.  

totally had the ability to do a bit of DIY with his rucksack and 2 tesco bags. 

Stop and think before you type, eh? 

1 hour ago, Arniepie said:

I'd wager money that busy was bullied at school


Totally. I also had him as the local gym knob staring at his body in the mirrors all day pretending that his gut is all strength and muscle... 

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31 minutes ago, melons said:



And at several points he raises his arms defensively, and clearly unsteady on his legs. 2 coppers initially, the rest followed after he'd been tasered and was clearly even more disorientated. 

totally had the ability to do a bit of DIY with his rucksack and 2 tesco bags. 

Stop and think before you type, eh? 

Totally. I also had him as the local gym knob staring at his body in the mirrors all day pretending that his gut is all strength and muscle... 

yes, thinking about an imaginary dog or something definitely helps. Fucking hell.  

It looks like the passerby hands the copper a weapon. If that’s the case why the fuck should they take it easy on him?  Do criminals in Stevenage have a 1 weapon policy?  You know fuck all about what happened before he’d been tased.  If he had a weapon would you change your mind?  

Have you looked at 35 seconds? What do you think is happening there? 

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6 hours ago, Rico1304 said:

At 35 seconds the bystander hands another copper what looks like a hammer. Maybe he was just doing a bit of DIY.  

Looks like the copper's handcuffs, as he's still holding them in his left hand as the camera pans round. Defo not a hammer, too slim.

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7 minutes ago, skend04 said:

Looks like the copper's handcuffs, as he's still holding them in his left hand as the camera pans round. Defo not a hammer, too slim.

I don’t think handcuffs as they are pretty wide, and he doesn’t grab the inside of a cuff, or wrap his hand round the full cuff.  You may be right though. 

Edit:  I think you’re right, 00:47 when the other copper has them is quite clear.  

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8 hours ago, Rico1304 said:

I’ve only seen the end of the interaction, but he didn’t do as he was told by a copper, by several coppers in fact.  There are consequences to that, either being smacked with an asp or being tased.  I have less of a problem with that than you do. 

Oh do fuck off your daft entitled tory cunt, the mans a pissed up shoplifter, he's had the full force of the law take him down for pinching beer, I'd bet he's not a danger to the public and not a terrorist.


I'll tell you who has proven to be a danger to the public though, them bastards who blew up that arena in Manchester killing them kids. I believe three of the perpetrators originated from Camerons disastrous foray into Libya, a government you voted for because it suited you financially, a financial greed which resulted in the death of innocent children, but for the grace of God those children could have been yours.


So go fuck yourself tory boy with your fake bullshit morals. Your a clever little boy (you tell us in every other post)  and you knew the odds, you knew the risks, you chose personal greed over people's safety, the county's safety, and as it turned out childrens safety, you were very fortunate the Manchester bombings/Libya war didnt effect your own.rys 


A pissed up shoplifters would have been the last of you worrys then. 


I can give you a link about the Manc bombings link to Cameron and Libya if you want; believe me I've read em.


Go on here's just one link, but let's just concentrate on kicking drunks on the street ah Rico?





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20 hours ago, Rico1304 said:

yes, thinking about an imaginary dog or something definitely helps. Fucking hell.  

It looks like the passerby hands the copper a weapon. If that’s the case why the fuck should they take it easy on him?  Do criminals in Stevenage have a 1 weapon policy?  You know fuck all about what happened before he’d been tased.  If he had a weapon would you change your mind?  

Have you looked at 35 seconds? What do you think is happening there? 



The point remains. Its unacceptable to treat an animal like that, but you're ok treating humans that way. 


And would you look at that - a post further down you concede it's not a hammer. You'd have the poor bastard hung before you got the full facts in your face, and then you'd twist them to suit your agenda. 


1 hour ago, Leyton388 said:

In response to the title of the thread. 


Yes they are 


And anyone who votes Tory are also massive cunts. 


I'd go with that. 

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30 minutes ago, melons said:



The point remains. Its unacceptable to treat an animal like that, but you're ok treating humans that way. 


And would you look at that - a post further down you concede it's not a hammer. You'd have the poor bastard hung before you got the full facts in your face, and then you'd twist them to suit your agenda. 



I'd go with that. 

Amazingly I agreed when someone pointed it out.  You know, like normal people do.  Rather than doubling down and talking about the fucking RSPCA when your bollocks was pointed out.  

It’s obvious you’ve got some kind of problem with me so why not pop me on ignore.  I get you’re some kind of forum royalty, but I really couldn’t give shiny shit.  You’ve spouted all kinds of bollocks and I’m happy to point it out.   

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On 23/10/2021 at 11:25, melons said:

The fact that not all things or people respond appropriately, the guy wasn't aggressive, he was hardly a threat, so no. No you don't get to justify or make a snide comment as though it's ok to taser and boot someone because he'd been given enough warnings. 


You wouldn't boot shit out of your dog or taser it if it didn't respond the way you wanted it, why is it ok to do it to a human being? 

Am I missing something here? Yes, the force used once he was down was excessive, but the first 10 seconds of that video show the poor little old shoplifter resisting arrest, getting up and walking towards the bizzie with the tazer. What’s he meant to do there?


I wonder how sympathetic the shop owner was, who is having stuff robbed constantly? I’m sure he would think it’s totally reasonable that not only did this guy steal from him, but that he was unwilling to accept responsibility for his actions and wanted to engage the police.


What the fuck has kicking a dog got to do with this? May as well ask if I think it’s ok to chin babies. It’s not relevant and neither is the dog issue. The guy had stolen, was resisting arrest and got strong armed. The bizzies will receive punishment on review of all that I’m sure, as the follow up looked excessive, but the little old man, who was actually quite big, pissed and on the rob, isn’t an innocent party here, and defo not akin to an abused dog.

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If, as according to a lot of opinion in this thread, the police are a gang of right wing, micro penised victims of bullying, hell bent on destruction of society, then why don’t you get yourselves signed up and make a difference? Because I’m sure all of us with left wing ideals would be far more accepting of and open to the plights of the fucking dick heads we would encounter on a daily basis. It must be that they’re all tories eh? Fuck sake.


I used to think bizzies were all scum too, until I wasn’t a child brained scally anymore and have also been the victim of crime as an adult, which the police have been there to investigate and support on. Must be some lucky people in here who never need the police or the legal system to protect them.


If it wasn’t so miserable, I’d find it hilarious how criminals are elevated above a group of people who sign up to protect innocent people and uphold some semblance of law. 

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