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Katy Perry


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surely "rough" would be pushing the envelope a bit here woo, maybe 'not as nice - sans photoshop tweaks' but surely said bird could never look rough.


I'm just going on what I've been told. Wish I could have found out for myself.

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There was a great story about her on Popbitch about how she held up the shooting the video of her latest single (no idea if it was the one out now or another one, no idea how many she has had out) because she shagging her boyfriend screaming I love your beautiful big cock at the top of her voice. No idea if this is true but know the message board on there is frequented by the type of people who work in the media

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I suspect she is a popular music singer.


Indeed. Blandesma aging pop poppet with a turgid portfolio brightened up by cynical pseudo lesbo lyrics. Dreadful old trout. She'll resort to increasingly desperate ploys to keep her mug in the public eye, mark my words. Her next album, Bukkake Bubbles, will be released for the Christmas market.

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