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I concur on all of what he said except that a decade on I'm still quite pleased with both of mine. It did feel like a never ending pain though and felt like I was under the, eer, needle for hours.


Don't get someone's name.

Don't get some chinese text.

Don't get someone's name.

Don't get it done in colour because 6 months later it'll be all pale and crappy looking. Don't get someone's name.

And finally, don't fucking pick the scab!

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I've got two large enough ones on my upper arms. Celtic Cross and book of kells drawings on one arms and Tribal on the other. No colours so 15 years on they both look fine. Also, by not getting them on my lower arms I get to wear t-shirts and polo shirts without showing them off. Getting them on your lower arms may result in considerable regret in years in the future. I was going to get a sleeve at the time, but I'm feckin delighted I didn't now.

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I got this on my arm. But have got to get it coloured it cost me 60 pounds and it dont hurt no tatoos do.


No tattoos hurt? You're shitting me. It might not hurt too much on your arm, because there's loads of fat and muscle. Try getting the top of your foot done where it's literally skin and bone. I've never felt pain like it.

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