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Iran are fucking loonies. 


"The action that the US and the UK carried out jointly and attacked areas in Yemen is a threat to peace and security in the region and it is the intensification of the scope of the war", the official IRNA news agency quotes Amir-Abdollahian as saying.

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13 minutes ago, Redder Lurtz said:

Iran are fucking loonies. 


"The action that the US and the UK carried out jointly and attacked areas in Yemen is a threat to peace and security in the region and it is the intensification of the scope of the war", the official IRNA news agency quotes Amir-Abdollahian as saying.


What's "loony" about that statement?

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30 minutes ago, Bjornebye said:


What's "loony" about that statement?

They're asserting that the action of the west protecting shipping is a threat to peace and security. What's not loony about that when they've  been arming the other loonies who are trying to sink merchant ships? 

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1 minute ago, Redder Lurtz said:

They're asserting that the action of the west protecting shipping is a threat to peace and security. What's not loony about that when they've  been arming the other loonies who are trying to sink merchant ships? 


Do you think the actions of the West are likely to intensify the scope of the war? I'd say it's pretty likely, independently of what you think of Iran, or how hypocritical their comments are.



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4 minutes ago, Redder Lurtz said:

They're asserting that the action of the west protecting shipping is a threat to peace and security. What's not loony about that when they've  been arming the other loonies who are trying to sink merchant ships? 


Do you know why the Houthis have attacked them ships? Meanwhile Israel have a blockade stopping food and aid entering Gaza while they blow the shit out of it using western arms. I'd call murdering thousands of innocent civilians "loony" maybe that's just me. 

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2 minutes ago, Jairzinho said:


Do you think the actions of the West are likely to intensify the scope of the war? I'd say it's pretty likely, independently of what you think of Iran, or how hypocritical their comments are.




Fair enough. Let's just let that bunch of dicks keep firing missiles at commercial vessels then. 

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1 minute ago, Redder Lurtz said:


Fair enough. Let's just let that bunch of dicks keep firing missiles at commercial vessels then. 


No, let's call their bluff and actually force Israel and Saudi Arabia to stop murdering children. Let's take some actions from a position of moral authority for once.

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Just now, Bjornebye said:


Do you know why the Houthis have attacked them ships? Meanwhile Israel have a blockade stopping food and aid entering Gaza while they blow the shit out of it using western arms. I'd call murdering thousands of innocent civilians "loony" maybe that's just me. 




I agree but it's a separate issue. We also arm the Saudis who bomb civilians in the Yemen. Equally disgusting. But you can't just sit on your arse and watch Houtis trying to sink commercial ships.  


As for "how do you know the houtis attacked those ships". Well the fact they're saying it's them is a dead give away. 

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6 minutes ago, Jairzinho said:


No, let's call their bluff and actually force Israel and Saudi Arabia to stop murdering children. Let's take some actions from a position of moral authority for once.


Yes we should but that doesn't stop Iranian lunatics sending missiles to Yemeni lunatics to fire at container ships. 

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6 minutes ago, Redder Lurtz said:




I agree but it's a separate issue. We also arm the Saudis who bomb civilians in the Yemen. Equally disgusting. But you can't just sit on your arse and watch Houtis trying to sink commercial ships.  


As for "how do you know the houtis attacked those ships". Well the fact they're saying it's them is a dead give away. 


You're not very good at this. 


I also asked you WHY the Houthis are doing it not how do you know it's them. I'll assume you mis-read as opposed to being disingenuous there. 


It absolutely isn't a separate issue. 

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12 minutes ago, Jairzinho said:

We also might have a little more moral gravitas had we not been arming the Saudis to blow up weddings, and supporting Israel's continued genocide against Palestine.


Cunts, cunts everywhere. The US, The UK, Iran, Israel, Saudi Arabia. Cunts. 


I'd add Hamas to the cunts list. And Kirstie Allsopp obviously. 

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43 minutes ago, Redder Lurtz said:




I agree but it's a separate issue. We also arm the Saudis who bomb civilians in the Yemen. Equally disgusting. But you can't just sit on your arse and watch Houtis trying to sink commercial ships.  


As for "how do you know the houtis attacked those ships". Well the fact they're saying it's them is a dead give away. 

its not a separate issue.

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2 hours ago, Jairzinho said:

Redders, it's not a separate issue. 


It's a whole regional issue, I know. But Houtis throwing bombs at ships is an issue we can address tactically with a few strikes in the right places. That has to stop immediately. Everything else is far more strategic and is gonna take decades to solve if it's even solvable. 

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