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Just things you are seeing in the news,ie the yanks bombing fuck out of syria,pakistan,without giving a shit about the Consequences.


Bidden, Obama`s running mate stating something big is about to happen after the election. an mi5 whistleblower saying an attack is coming to the west and we cant do anything about it.

And what better excuse for a global credit crunch,lets have a fucking war.

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Guest PaddyBerger15
The yanks are itching for war. It's been far too long for them since they last went on a widespread bombing campaign. Expect some poor, 3rd world country with limited defensive capability to become the next victim of America's warmongering soon after the elections.


Wales is on 'Purple Alert'.

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  • 3 years later...

And... ...here... ...we... ...go!



BBC News - UN nuclear agency IAEA: Iran 'studying nuclear weapons'



UN nuclear agency IAEA: Iran 'studying nuclear weapons'


The UN's nuclear watchdog says it has information indicating Iran has carried out tests "relevant to the development of a nuclear explosive device".


In its latest report on Iran, the IAEA says the research includes computer models that could only be used to develop a nuclear bomb trigger.


Correspondents say this is the International Atomic Energy Agency's toughest report on Iran to date.


ran says its nuclear programme is solely to generate civilian power.


The BBC's Bethany Bell, in Vienna, has examined the IAEA's latest quarterly report on Iran's nuclear programme.


She says the report gives detailed information - some of it new - suggesting that Iran conducted computer modelling of a kind that would only be relevant to a nuclear weapon.


The report, published on the Institute for Science and International Security website, notes that some of this research, conducted in 2008-09, is of "particular concern", our correspondent says.


"The application of such studies to anything other than a nuclear explosive is unclear to the agency," the report says.


It highlights:


*Work on fast-acting detonators that have "possible application in a nuclear explosive device, and... limited civilian and conventional military applications".


*Tests of the detonators consistent with simulating the explosion of a nuclear device


*"The acquisition of nuclear weapons development information and documentation from a clandestine nuclear supply network."


*"Work on the development of an indigenous design of a nuclear weapon including the testing of components."


The report stops short, our correspondent adds, of saying explicitly that Iran is developing a nuclear bomb.


It says the information is "credible", and comes from some of the IAEA's 35 member states, from its own research and from Iran itself.


The report urges Iran "to engage substantively with the agency without delay for the purpose of providing clarifications."


Ahead of the report's release, there had been speculation in Israeli media about potential strikes on Iranian nuclear facilities.


Russia said the IAEA report had caused rising tension and more time was needed to determine whether it contained new, reliable evidence of a military element to Iran's nuclear programme.


Experts say Iran is at least one year away, perhaps several, from being able to produce a nuclear bomb. Some believe Iran's leadership wants to be in a position to able to produce such a weapon on short notice.


Iranian Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi said there was "no serious proof" that Iran was going to create an atomic warhead.


"We have repeatedly stated that we are not going to create nuclear weapons," he said. "Our position has always been that we will never use our nuclear programme for purposes other than peaceful ones."

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Reading that reports today.How one country can say to another you can't have nukes while we can amazes me.


North Korea,Israel yes Iran no


Fairly simple really...


China - who's got the balls to tell them they can't?

Russia - historic, and as above

North Korea - mental, and openly backed by one of the two above nations


US - historic, and who's got the balls to tell them they can't?

UK - US lapdogs

Israel - US-backed 'stabilising' force in the Middle East (oh, and US lapdogs...)


Pakistan and India seem to be engaged in their own little arms race and no-one really cares enough to step in, which I actually find a bit worrying


Essentially, it boils down to the US and formerly Russia, currently China, staring at each other down the barrel of mutually assured destruction, and picking a few of their mates to come along for the ride.


Which is nice of them.


Then we come to Iran - fairly isolated extremist state headed by a bit of a mentalist with no major power prepared to stand fully behind him.


Oh, I forgot France...


I've got absolutely no fucking idea why France have got nuclear weapons. Probably as a last resort to defend the Eiffel Tower when they turn tail and run away again.

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I would actually prefer Iran to have nuclear weapons than the Pakistani's but I think right now having one Islamic country with nuclear weapons is enough. Be interesting to see if Iran will go all the way, I have my doubts. I think the Israeli's are just trying to get the Americans to do the bombing but with the economy already fucked I don't think Obama is going to do anything before the election that would cause oil prices to double.

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I understand why some of the countries acing them I just think it's a joke that you can say,we are good people andcan be trusted but you can't.Especially when the one country to use a major weapon is one if those to have nuclear weapons.


If weans the US need them to protect ourselves from the Russians and Chinese,surely the Iranians need them to stay safe from the other religious nutjobs in Israel.

Christians nutters will be in charge soon in the US.

Jewish nutters in Israel

Islamic loons in Iran,

Ideological mad men in China and Korea

Then two countries in a pissing contest with India and Pakistan.

Amazing world

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Guest Numero Veinticinco
Reading that reports today.How one country can say to another you can't have nukes while we can amazes me.


North Korea,Israel yes Iran no


Quite. Even more bizarre are those who say that Iran shouldn't have them based on their stability - that it'd be a risk to let 'somewhere like Iran' have nukes - but don't realise that it's America, Britain, Israel and others which do the attacking. Iran's military hasn't initiated an attack on another country in hundreds of years.


Well, the NNPT allows us to have nukes, whereas Iran would be in violation if it tried to develop them. Also, we're not run by religious psychopaths.


Only some of those are even in the NPT. The NPT didn't come into force until the 1970s, at which point the UK, US, Russia, France and China already had nuclear weapons. The others aren't even signatories.


You're either deliberately missing his point and referring just to the UK, or you're ignoring Pakistan, Israel and North Korea. There are nutjobs in all of those states - religious and otherwise.


There's no real justification for Israel, Pakistan, North Korea, and the ultra aggressive countries like the US and UK, to have nuclear weapons, but Iran not to.

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Guest Numero Veinticinco
To be fair to SD, the North Koreans have stuck two fingers up at the NNPT and completely ignored it.


Yeah, they have, but it's not like not being a signatory of the NPT makes it acceptable to have nuclear weapons, it just means you're not in breach of a treaty when you do acquire them. Israel, Pakistan, India and North Korea aren't part of the NPT, but I feel much less safe about them having nukes than I would Iran.


What does it matter, anyway? All of this shit, what does it even matter? It's not like them acquiring nukes is going to be any worse then the holy shit storm that will unfold if Israel/US/UK attacks Iran. Iran isn't Iraq, where the consequences for us amount to 179 dead. Iran is an entirely different proposition altogether and lives will be lost all over the place, including here.


It's just not worth it.

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