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The "things that make you realise you're getting older" thread


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There are some really fit women in their early twenties that work in my office. In the past I would just have to put up with their distain or pitying looks. I've now noticed that they treat me with respect and deference. I think I've probably got to the age where I am not even deemed worth considering.

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People who you used to lift on your shoulders are now taller than you.


DIY is interesting.


You actually consider seriously buying Yakult.


A girl I went to school with has a 10 year old son.


No longer the lowest rank in the entire company.


(This next one is pretty bad) - You go on a walking holiday and thoroughly enjoy it.


Barely watching any TV.


Getting to the age your parents were when they had you.


Going to nice pub instead of cheapest pub, ditto restaurant.


Going for meals with people instead of just getting pissed with them.


Sports people your age passing their peak and starting to deteriorate.


There being people younger than me on this thread noticing themselves age.

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Watching grumpy old men and agreeing with nearly everything they say.


Refusing to go out of an evening during the week, its ok to stop for a few beers on the way home but thats it.


Taking pride in having a clean house/nice garden and decorating it yourself.


Being chuffed you've found a decent window cleaner.


Actually reading your annual statements from your pension company.


Refusing to go into town of a Friday/Saturday night because its full of pricks, you have to pay to get in and que half an hour to get a warm pint of watered down piss that costs nearly £4.


Its a treat to have a wank rather than it being part of your daily routine.

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When the people on TV and in films are supposed to be younger than me. Watching Terminator 2 again last night and Sarah Connor is supposed to be 29 like me. Nasty shit.


Wathed Goodfellas last night.


"The first time I met Jimmy Conway, he was about 28-29"


Fucking hell.

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After football I can't walk up or down stairs for about 2 days my knees are in so much pain. Going to the doctor and been given out to because he told me to quit football 7 years ago and I'm still playing.


Having a pint with a girl I know who, years before, went into labour in the nighclub when we were all there. That didn't make me feel old. The fact her now son was sitting with us and having a pint made me feel old.


Looking at a picture on the wall of my parents house of my mum and dad out at some restaurant. I asked my mum how old she was in the picture. She was 12 years younger then I am now.

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Guest davelfc

Realising that I'm now too old to get the women that I couldn't get before because I wasn't confident enough, now that I am confident enough.

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Think I mentioned this in another thread, but we were out with my mate's 25 year old bird and her mate a few weeks back, and I mentioned that the glass collector looked like Rod Hull.


"who's that?"


Rod Hull and Emu!


"who's emu?"


Fuck off.

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Think I mentioned this in another thread, but we were out with my mate's 25 year old bird and her mate a few weeks back, and I mentioned that the glass collector looked like Rod Hull.


"who's that?"


Rod Hull and Emu!


"who's emu?"


Fuck off.


What you should have done is called the glass collector over, picked up his heaviest glass and smashed it in her face.

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Guest Slim(fast)Shady

Noise! Used to be able to put up with it but man.....it pisses me off these days!


Agreed....not watching TV bar 1 or 2 exceptions (Ashes to Ashes,Terminator tv series)


hangovers last longer....and can think of better things to spend a ton on than a day on the beer


you wander past the local high fashion gaff en route to M & S as "they understand my size" i.e fat bastad size!

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My little sister asked me where I go on a night out and I said, "sometimes we start off in the Jac..."


She interrupted me, "The Jac? Eeeeeeee... that's an old man's pub."


Although I put that down to youthful ignorance rather me than me getting older.

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When you get called "fella" or "man" instead of "lad"


I was gonna say that,these kids said the other week..ask that MAN to pass the ball back ...fucking gutted I was


Also getting annoyed and pissed off on holiday when young lads are "acting the goat" in or around the pool etc

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