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Top Ten Conspiracy Theories


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Stronts has never knowingly killed a baby (as far as I am aware)*


Stonts told me to go and kill myself, but I didn't rise to it. Yes I possibly used an insulting term to him first, but I think he took it to a different level. I thought for the sake of the boards I would let it lie, but he has a little snipe all the time now and thinks that because I "started it" he has got carte blanche to say whatever the fuck he likes to me, and to anybody else he deems to have "started it".


What Stronts doesn't seem to realise is that being patronising, condescending, supercilious and offering implied insults, is just as offensive as calling people names. Yesterday for example, we were all debating/disagreeing in relative peace, only for SD to butt in and imply that I was lying, when I had stated a factual inaccuracy. Questioning my integrity pisses me off far more than telling me to go and kill myself. 




*he probably has though

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Stronts has never knowingly killed a baby (as far as I am aware)*


Stonts told me to go and kill myself, but I didn't rise to it. Yes I possibly used an insulting term to him first, but I think he took it to a different level. I thought for the sake of the boards I would let it lie, but he has a little snipe all the time now and thinks that because I "started it" he has got carte blanche to say whatever the fuck he likes to me, and to anybody else he deems to have "started it".


What Stronts doesn't seem to realise is that being patronising, condescending, supercilious and offering implied insults, is just as offensive as calling people names. Yesterday for example, we were all debating/disagreeing in relative peace, only for SD to butt in and imply that I was lying, when I had stated a factual inaccuracy. Questioning my integrity pisses me off far more than telling me to go and kill myself. 







*he probably has though

You were offended by someone you've never met, who you'll never meet and don't like. On the internet. Christ.


Just ignore him if he gets on your nerves, like you would in the real world.

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Stonts told me to go and kill myself


If he really has gone to that point, fair enough, I'll just stay out of it. I'm not hating any of you though, I just think that going that far is retarded. Especially on the internet. (where many of us go over the top from the off.)

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Yesterday for example, we were all debating/disagreeing in relative peace, only for SD to butt in and imply that I was lying, when I had stated a factual inaccuracy.

Just wanted to add that I noticed that too and thought it was OTT, before I saw your post. (For the sake of balance!)


I wasn't implying that you were retarded more than others either in my last post, I just meant the whole load of arguments of late when they've gone to extremes.

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Stonts told me to go and kill myself, but I didn't rise to it. Yes I possibly used an insulting term to him first, but I think he took it to a different level. I thought for the sake of the boards I would let it lie, but he has a little snipe all the time now and thinks that because I "started it" he has got carte blanche to say whatever the fuck he likes to me, and to anybody else he deems to have "started it".


The lesson is: don't start it.


What Stronts doesn't seem to realise is that being patronising, condescending, supercilious and offering implied insults, is just as offensive as calling people names. Yesterday for example, we were all debating/disagreeing in relative peace, only for SD to butt in and imply that I was lying, when I had stated a factual inaccuracy. Questioning my integrity pisses me off far more than telling me to go and kill myself.


I don't know where the implication that you are lying is in "facts are awfully inconvenient". I was accusing you of being wrong, not of being deliberately dishonest.


And, incidentally, these are some of the previous exchanges in the "discussion" that was oh so peaceful before I cam along with my, er, implications.


Arl arse implying that non-conspiracy theorists are insane:


We'll said Ginny, some sanity at last.


Arl arse calling people ignorant:


Oh I read it in full, you just ignore the evidence time after time, that's beautiful because it shows you for exactly what you are.




You actually know fuck all about 9/11 do you, go do some reading & educate yourself.


Again for good luck:


Shoulda carried on learning little man.


Relentless, this:


Or just taking you head outa your arse might be a good start.


Outright abuse:


If he knows his job, he knows what he's looking for. It's called experience you pompous cunt.




When you've worked in construction for 25 years then I might come to you for some insight, until then your just another know nothing internet bell-end.

This isn't a comprehensive round-up, but I think you get the gist.


Now, does anyone want to guess how many times Spy Bee pulled Arl arse up for his behaviour in his noble quest for an adult discussion?


But apparently, it was me who brought the tone down by saying "facts are awfully inconvenient".


Yo, anyone seen any double standards lately?

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The lesson is: don't start it. I don't know where the implication that you are lying is in "facts are awfully inconvenient". I was accusing you of being wrong, not of being deliberately dishonest.And, incidentally, these are some of the previous exchanges in the "discussion" that was oh so peaceful before I cam along with my, er, implications.Arl arse implying that non-conspiracy theorists are insane: Arl arse calling people ignorant: Ditto: Again for good luck: Relentless, this: Outright abuse: Ditto: This isn't a comprehensive round-up, but I think you get the gist.Now, does anyone want to guess how many times Spy Bee pulled Arl arse up for his behaviour in his noble quest for an adult discussion?But apparently, it was me who brought the tone down by saying "facts are awfully inconvenient".Yo, anyone seen any double standards lately?

Get over yourself, little girl.

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