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Under The Moon - 90s TV Show


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Anyone used to watch this? It was a footy chat show and phone-in with Danny Kelly of football 365 that used to come on in the early hours.


They used to have some decent guests on considering the hour it was on, some of the phone-in stuff was hilarious though, one I remember went something like: "Hi Danny, lads, yeah just a nice story really and proof that not all footballers are bad, I was in Manchester Airport the other day and Andy Cole came up and asked me if I had change for the phone, so I gave him 10p and he gave me a £20 note as a thanks!"


"Then he fucked me up the arse!"


Cue open mouths from Kelly and guests (think one was Lee Sharpe who just put his head in his hands and creased up in stitches) Then there was an ad break and Kelly comes on looking all serious going: "We'd just like to totally distance ourselves from those comments, er, we'd ask callers not to say things like that or we'll be taken off the air permanently."


Another call basically went, "Hia Danny, just phoning to say you're a FAT CUN..." Then the phone gets cut off.


Cue Kelly going: "Oh, well thanks for that"


If you have a phone-in at that time of night you're asking for trouble really, top viewing for an insomniac though.


Lisa Rogers - oh hell yeah!

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Lisa Rogers stripped to a bikini in one of the shows


Was going to put that myself!


Remember watching every night during the 98 World Cup as I'd just finished my GCSE's.


Used to enjoy it at the time but I have an irrational hatred of phone in's these days.

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Lisa Rogers.....


















That was, in case anyone could ever be in any doubt.... I would!

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I used to watch this show all the time and loved it.


Did anyone see the show where they had Gary Mason on?! They asked him why he got kicked off some boxing show on Sky (Ringside?) and the story went like this (I'm paraphrasing here):


Gary Mason: They used to do a news bulletin on the show where they cut away to another part of the studio. I saw the news reporter was wearing the same tie as me so I said, not realising that I was live and on air, "Fuck me, he's got my fucking tie on!!!"


I'd love to see that again as I'm doing it no justice at all, it was hilarious watching him tell the story on the show with everyone laughing their heads off! :lol:

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Guest The Chimp

I distinctly remember Helen Chamerlain being a co-host and also being in a bikini and doing a fire breathing act.


Was it too much drugs, a dodgy pork pie or did this really occur?


I liked this show a lot - as I love discussions on sport in general. Good shout Mark.


And FatLarry Kewell - top user name and top pix. :monkeywink:

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This show was genius, Charlie George was on one night and some pisshead rang in asking if he was related to Boy George, Charlie played along with it and said "He's my Dad", the pisshead said "Really, really? - how, you're older than him?" - Charlie "that's because I'm a timelord"


Bruce Grobelaar was on it and some guy rang in saying he went to the same school as him, he asked which school it was and the guy said "William Hill Comprehensive" just after he had been talking about fighting the allegations of match fixing.

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Did Shelley Webb present this at some stage? - I always remember when we lost to PSG 3-0 and David James was at fault for 2 or all of the goals, some guy rang in complaining saying "Yer see him on the buses round town like with his Aaaaahmani skiddies on, he needs to concentrate on his footy". Shelley Webb actually though David James used to randomly travel round on the buses wearing Armani underwear but the caller had to explain that it was him modelling and the adverts were on the side of the bus - the guy then started to rant about the "Munich Scum" before being cut off.


They need to bring shows like this back ASAP.

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I remember some fella calling in after having met Andy Booth? (the Huddersfield striker),

after having been in a light car crash or something with him.

Apparently Andy Booth lost it completely and I remember the callers understated quote to this day, "He got out of his car and made dubious remarks regarding my sexuality"



I remember his quote

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Haha they're both ace.


Always remember a scouser phoning in talking about how he'd spent some time in a town near Sydney which was full of scousers (I've always wanted to find this place, it's my 'Shell Beach') and he said he'd shared some 'wacky backy' there with Craig Johnston.


Danny Kelly stiffens up straight away 'We'd like to totally distance ourselves from those comments."


You just can't beat the combo of footy, a phone-in, and pissed up/ drug abusing insomniacs. It was high art.

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I distinctly remember Helen Chamerlain being a co-host and also being in a bikini and doing a fire breathing act.


Was it too much drugs, a dodgy pork pie or did this really occur?


I liked this show a lot - as I love discussions on sport in general. Good shout Mark.


And FatLarry Kewell - top user name and top pix. :monkeywink:


cant find a clip of it but heres a link to a series of pics Google Image Result for http://www.starsdump.com/celebrities/qdig-files/converted-images/C/Helen%20Chamberlain/med_helen_chamberlain001.jpg click onto images 9 - 21 :drool:

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