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Tonight I will mainly be...


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Paulie, this might be the fact that I've just finished watching Monster that is talking, but it seems relatively easy to off someone in a remote wood if you pretend to be a hooker. Once they've got their pants off you just shoot them and take their car. Looked like a piece of piss.


I always think it's funny when you see people being made to dig their own graves in films. As if I'd ever dig my own grave. If you're going to kill me then you're going to have to do the dirty-work too, you lazy degenerate cunt.

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Paulie, this might be the fact that I've just finished watching Monster that is talking, but it seems relatively easy to off someone in a remote wood if you pretend to be a hooker. Once they've got their pants off you just shoot them and take their car. Looked like a piece of piss.


More awesome advise. If only I'd come here 6 months ago.


Thing is, I'm not just looking to off random punters. Especially retired cops with disabled wifes.


And to be fair, I don't want to murder anybody.


Perminant disfigurement - Yes.

Cause emotional suffering - Yes.

Intimidate through fear - Yes.

Murder - No.

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Very ammusing it was too:


Ex - Can we be friends?

PG - No

Ex - Can we be friends?

PG - No

Ex - I want to know why your not talking to me

PG - Tough shit

Ex - I want to know why your not talking to me

PG - Tough shit

Ex - We can talk about it over a beer

PG - If we have too, your paying. You won't like what I've got to say

Ex - Ok


Couple hours of silence


Ex - Changed my mind, don't want be told what I cunt I am. All the best

PG - This is ridiculous. Make your mind up and stop acting desperate.

Ex - I'm not desperate. Always with the drama. I'm not interested anymore.

PG - You have a high opinion of yourself. Stop wasting your, and more importantly my, time.


In hindsight, your reply would have been better and saved me some of my text allowance.





You didnt go out with Rashid did you?

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