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Terminator 2: Judgement Day


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I've seen T2 about 100 times. I know it scene by scene. It's simply brilliant.


I also have Aliens on DVD but have only ever watched it once. Which is puzzling as I thought it was ace.


I'm going to watch Aliens again now and report back in a couple of hours.

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Never really made it to the A league did he the poor motherfucker? Shame really, along with Mahoney he was the one who deserved to make that step up.


You watched Citizens on Patrol yesterday as well then. Three Men and a Baby was fucking A-List. Danson WHAM! Selleck WHAM! Guttenberg WHAM! That's 80's A list right there. All it needed was Michael Ironside, Dale Midkiff, and Michael Dudikoff and it was the ultimate 80's film.

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Some of his one-liners in V were just awe inspiring.


(when looking at a visitor he's just killed with a bomb and who has his lizard skin showing) "Now that's a waste of good luggage"


"Keep it simple, got sharpshooters in the hills cut you guys down to wallet size"


"Do as the man says or I'm gonna turn you into an hors d'oeuvre"


"I may bring the neighbourhood down gooder, but they'll eat it."


"Just like a swamp gator, sneak up on you everytime."

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His squeaky voice annoyed the fuck out of me.

Not to mention him being a child super genius, hacking into banks and computer firms with the use of his shitty little Atari. And outrunning the T1000 on his kids electric motobike. He's the Wesley Crusher of the T2 movie.

And all this shit about machines learning the value of life, blah, blah, blah, and "I know why you cry", then proceeding to HUG little John! This is a terminator, motherfucker, they don't hug.

Wtf was Cameron thinking? Aliens pissed all over T2, Aliens was Cameron at his best. By the time T2 came along, he had gotten soft.

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Not to mention him being a child super genius, hacking into banks and computer firms with the use of his shitty little Atari. And outrunning the T1000 on his kids electric motobike. He's the Wesley Crusher of the T2 movie.

And all this shit about machines learning the value of life, blah, blah, blah, and "I know why you cry", then proceeding to HUG little John! This is a terminator, motherfucker, they don't hug.

Wtf was Cameron thinking? Aliens pissed all over T2, Aliens was Cameron at his best. By the time T2 came along, he had gotten soft.



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Not to mention him being a child super genius, hacking into banks and computer firms with the use of his shitty little Atari. And outrunning the T1000 on his kids electric motobike. He's the Wesley Crusher of the T2 movie.

And all this shit about machines learning the value of life, blah, blah, blah, and "I know why you cry", then proceeding to HUG little John! This is a terminator, motherfucker, they don't hug.

Wtf was Cameron thinking? Aliens pissed all over T2, Aliens was Cameron at his best. By the time T2 came along, he had gotten soft.


Let it all out... :biggrin:



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Not to mention him being a child super genius, hacking into banks and computer firms with the use of his shitty little Atari. And outrunning the T1000 on his kids electric motobike. He's the Wesley Crusher of the T2 movie.

And all this shit about machines learning the value of life, blah, blah, blah, and "I know why you cry", then proceeding to HUG little John! This is a terminator, motherfucker, they don't hug.

Wtf was Cameron thinking? Aliens pissed all over T2, Aliens was Cameron at his best. By the time T2 came along, he had gotten soft.


Someone neg him quickly.

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It's a shame SOS haven't got Ham Tyler on their side.


"You know you people pulled off a nice stunt with that march last night, but it's time to let the professionals do their job. Now we're organised - and - we got a new type of ammo that'll cut those yanks in two, so you can stay independent and get wiped ewt - or - you can join the organisation and help hammer-punch these lizards back off the planet, it's up to you."


Ham rocking the shit, watch it all you whores or I'll thermonuclear neg you



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