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UFO's: do you believe?


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3 hours ago, Bobby Hundreds said:

It's all bollocks. Every drone video they have shown somebody has put the answer up exactly what it is from normal drones, conventionl aircraft and even things like warning symbols on electrical wires running along pylons. People are just cramming the Internet with things that look weird at night knowing full well what they are but want to create further mystery.

Dana Scully there.

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41 minutes ago, Bobby Hundreds said:

I dont think they are weather balloons they are drones but the vast majority of those filmed and posted online are even more mundane things posted by people who know exactly what they are but do it for shits and giggles. 


Notice that there is no denial of being a first wave infiltrator. I knew it.

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Is it mass hysteria? 


The FBI has received tips of more than 5,000 reported drone sightings in the last few weeks with approximately 100 leads generated, and the federal government is supporting state and local officials in investigating these reports,” said a joint statement release by the FBI, Department of Homeland Security, the Department of Defense, and the Federal Aviation Administration.


“We have sent advanced detection technology to the region. And we have sent trained visual observers.”

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Oh, ok, I really shouldn’t, but I’ll give the GF the exclusive. The Pyramids - it was me.


I got sick of watching the slaves try to roll huge squares of stone upwards, against gravity, and getting themselves squashed all the time. There were far too many of the dead coming through the door and I needed a break. Osiris was busy getting pissed and shagging as usual, and Horus was always off enacting vengeance against someone or other, so I stepped in and built them.


Happy now you know?

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I reckon this is all bubbling up because it's coordinated. They're going to stage an alien landing. They set it up with the psy ops around COVID, and continue consensus forming behaviour with all this identifying as a furry nonsense. Next they'll try to direct collective human behaviours by staging a "false flag" alien invasion, dictating a totalitarian world government, where the poor live on cabbage water.


Merry Christmas.

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17 hours ago, Scott_M said:




Had Egyptians invented irrigation then? 

I saw a mad fact recently. The next time humans built a structure higher than the pyramids.... Was the eiffel tower..... 


That's literally over a thousand years later.... Crazy isn't it

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1 hour ago, chrisbonnie said:

I saw a mad fact recently. The next time humans built a structure higher than the pyramids.... Was the eiffel tower..... 


That's literally over a thousand years later.... Crazy isn't it


I think the next city to have a million inhabitants after ancient Rome was london, also over 1,000 years later.

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11 hours ago, Spy Bee said:

I reckon this is all bubbling up because it's coordinated. They're going to stage an alien landing. They set it up with the psy ops around COVID, and continue consensus forming behaviour with all this identifying as a furry nonsense. Next they'll try to direct collective human behaviours by staging a "false flag" alien invasion, dictating a totalitarian world government, where the poor live on cabbage water.


Merry Christmas.


Finally, I might get that anal probe - my Christmas list has finally delivered after all these years. 



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