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Babylon 5's a big pile of shit.


Babylon 5 was awesome! It was way better than any other space series I've ever seen. If you actually watched through the whole thing, the story really does get good. It seems intelligently written, instead of just bullshit.


Oh and as for Heroes, I watched season 1, and thought that it'd be too much action with a shit story, but it turned out the other way around. The story was good, but every time you thought there'd be a decent char battle it didn't really end up being anywhere near as good as it could've been. I even remember one fight that would've been amazing, and instead you get to see someone in the other room and just hear them fighting instead? It really seemed to suck when it came to char vs char action. Something that if done right could've made it way better.

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Babylon 5 was awesome! It was way better than any other space series I've ever seen. If you actually watched through the whole thing, the story really does get good. It seems intelligently written, instead of just bullshit.


Oh and as for Heroes, I watched season 1, and thought that it'd be too much action with a shit story, but it turned out the other way around. The story was good, but every time you thought there'd be a decent char battle it didn't really end up being anywhere near as good as it could've been. I even remember one fight that would've been amazing, and instead you get to see someone in the other room and just hear them fighting instead? It really seemed to suck when it came to char vs char action. Something that if done right could've made it way better.


The best fights have been off screen.


Seriously, there was an UBER BAD ASS SUPER HERO VS SUPER HERO type fight BEHIND CLOSED DOORS. You could hear shit going on, but naaaaaaaa.

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I've gone so much off Heroes it's untrue.


I remember watching the first series on Sci-Fi and thinking it was brilliant.


Even though I was apathetic towards the 2nd season, I put that down to the writers strike and them having to cram stuff in and rushing it etc.


I was really looking forward to the 3rd season as I always prefer the baddies in TV shows, films etc as I think they make for more interesting characters.


So when did I lose my enthusiasm for it?


Last Xmas, I got season 1 on box set. I didn't round to watching it until May when I moved into my flat.


I was sat there watching episodes of it, literally forgetting what had happened in the previous scene or episode. It's just such a throw away show. It has absolutely no replay value what so ever.


I'm somebody who, when I find something I really like, I can watch it over and over and over without getting bored. I was sure Heroes was going to be another one of those show. I was losing interest in episodes literally a few minutes after putting it on.


I'm at the game Weds so will miss the start of the new series, but, TBH, I'm not even sure I'd watch it such as my total apathy towards it.

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