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  • 5 months later...

Was digging around in Youtube, after reading a piece on Zimbabwean Hip Hop in the Guardian tonight, and stumbled across this mini-documentary about the scene there. Amazing rhymes, all beat-boxed, with loads of free-styling and sounding very reminiscent in style to all those early 90's crews.


Hope you enjoy it:



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Does this belong in here? Sod it, suppose so.


Never been one for rap/hiphop type stuff, well apart from some of the earlier analoguey synthy type stuff, but this fella has been growing on me a lot lately.




Nice retro synthy bits and intelligent lyrics.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 5 months later...

That was ace, Zig. Enjoyed it very much.


Here are some of my current MP3 favoritos:


Starving Artists Crew - Motivate (album: Up Pops The Sac)




J-Live - Satisfied (album: All of the Above)




Kero One - In All The Wrong Places (album: Windmills of the Soul)




Pete Philly - Free (album: Mindstate)



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Putting this in here as I presume anyone visiting this thread will be a fan of his, but I'm interviewing Big Daddy Kane ahead of his first ever Liverpool show later this month, and was wondering if any of you had any good questions to ask him?*


*I may/definitely will pass them off as my own.

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Some dope beats on here but not much from Japan or Germany. Check out Nujabes, died recently, mainly jazz hip hop beats some instrumental some with American rappers. Did a lot of collab with Fat Jon. I have been listening this all day. Love the upright bass keeping the flow.

can someone let me know how to embed.
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  • 6 years later...

Looks like DMX might be headed to actual Heaven





DMX is in critical condition after taking a drug overdose, it has been reported.

The rapper, 50, is believed to have been rushed to a New York hospital on Friday (2 April), with sources claiming the overdose triggered a heart attack.

According to TMZ, the rapper has “some brain activity”, but the source described him as being in a “vegetative state”.

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