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TV and Film Trivia


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In one scene in The Karate Kid, Daniel nips at his Bonsai tree with Mr. Miyagi clearly visible in the bakground, when the camera flips back there is a black guy with a moustache and gold hoop earing sitting there.


As Daniel gets out of his mom's car for his first date with Ali, his shoes are white. When we see him being introduced to Ali's parents, his shoes have changed to brown. It's widely accepted that he Shat himself on the date.


David Jason wasn't supposed to be the original Del boy.


Not sure but another one is the bit where dell fell through the bar it was an accident genius situation.


Only Fools and Horses. The famous clip of Del falling through the bar was not acting also David Jason was NOT the original Del Boy.


Some superb facts but i pissed myself laughing reading these. Simon reposting his fact on different pages just got me.

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it wasnt it was on some thing i watch with them all talking about it. I used to collect the magazine the one with the DVDS it was on one of them.


I know this is almost a year late, but Simon it was 100% acted. They even did a piece on it on a comedy show where they spoke to everyone involved as they said it was one of the best comedy moments of all time. They said there was only a small mat placed on the ground behind the bar, yet Dell did a fantastic job at staying so straight as he fell despite this. It was quite a late decision to do this gag and was the last shot of the day. They also commented on Triggers excellant acting with the face on him when he thinks Dell has just dissappeared.


It was 100% acted.

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Plenty of Alien fans on here, so -


It was conceptual artist Ron Cobb who came up with the idea that the Alien should bleed acid. This came about when Dan O'Bannon couldn't find a reason why the Nostromo crew just wouldn't shoot the Alien with a gun.


The blue laser lights that were used in the alien ship's egg chamber were borrowed from The Who. The band was testing out the lasers for their stage show in the soundstage next door.


Among some of the ingredients of the alien costume are Plasticine and Rolls Royce motor parts.


The dead facehugger that Ash autopsies was made using fresh shellfish, four oysters and a sheep kidney to recreate the internal organs.


As a child, Veronica Cartwright had appeared in The Birds, opposite Doodles Weaver, who was Sigourney Weaver's uncle.


Ash's blood is colored water. Milk was not used as it would have gotten very smelly very quickly under the hot studio lights. Milk was used though for the close-up of his innards, along with pasta and glass marbles.

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Fight Club


The brown station wagon against which Edward Norton falls in his first fight with Brad Pitt is the same brown station wagon used in The Game, in which Michael Douglas hid while James Rebhorn drove him to CRS headquarters.


The original "pillow talk"-scene had Marla saying "I want to have your abortion". When this was objected to by Fox 2000 Pictures President of Production Laura Ziskin, David Fincher said he would change it on the proviso that the new line couldn't be cut. Ziskin agreed and Fincher wrote the replacement line, "I haven't been fucked like that since grade school". When Ziskin saw the new line, she was even more outraged and asked for the original line to be put back, but, as per their deal, Fincher refused.



Courtney Love and Winona Ryder were both initially considered for the role of Marla Singer, but in the end, it came down to Helena Bonham Carter and Reese Witherspoon. Director David Fincher wanted Bonham-Carter, but the studio wanted a bigger name and chose to go with Witherspoon. In the end however, the decision was taken out of their hands when Witherspoon turned down the role as being "too dark", and Bonham-Carter was cast.


Author Chuck Palahniuk first came up with the idea for the novel after being beaten up on a camping trip when he complained to some nearby campers about the noise of their radio. When he returned to work, he was fascinated to find that nobody would mention or acknowledge his injuries, instead saying such commonplace things as "How was your weekend?" Palahniuk concluded that the reason people reacted this way was because if they asked him what had happened, a degree of personal interaction would be necessary, and his workmates simply didn't care enough to connect with him on a personal level. It was his fascination with this societal 'blocking' which became the foundation for the novel.


Marla Singer's phone number, 555-0134, is the same as Teddy's number in Memento.


Three directors were offered the film prior to David Fincher. Peter Jackson was the initial choice of producers Joshua Donen and Ross Grayson Bell, who had been impressed with Jackson's work on Heavenly Creatures and The Frighteners. Jackson however, although he loved the Chuck Palahniuk novel, was too busy prepping The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring in New Zealand. The second choice for director was Bryan Singer, who was sent the book, but who never got back to the producers (he later admitted he didn't read the novel when he received it). Next to be offered the job was British director Danny Boyle, who met with Donen and Bell, read the book, and loved the material, but who ultimately decided to concentrate on The Beach instead.


The cave scene early in the film where The Narrator (Edward Norton) meets a penguin was inspired by the film The Secret Life of Walter Mitty, and was intended by director David Fincher as a 'warning' to the audience as to how surreal the film was going to become.

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Captain America 2011.

When Captain America is ready to jump out the plane, he is looking at Peggy Carter when he reaches for his goggles, the angle changes to the outside and Cap is seen with one hand out the plane and the other in, with his goggles up. it switches back inside and his goggles are on, It switches back again and there's is small chinese fella playing cards with a bear.



Super 8.


When Joe is in his room painting one of his monster models you can see in the background a model of the Invisible Man. This model was not released until 2009 by Moebius models. Although the model was created in the classic Aurora models style, this model was not available during 1979.



In another scene the fat kid is talking to another the kid, then when it flicks back there are two women playing pogs, it then flicks back and then fat kid is on a horse.

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Martin Scorsese was originally hired to direct Schindler's List, but Spielberg, feeling the project was of massive personal importance to him, offered Scorsese the gig for the Cape Fear remake, as he was a producer for both films anyway.




Shirley Maclaine was originally cast to play Bonnie in Bonnie & Clyde. When producer Warren Beatty decided to play Clyde, he had to replace her with Faye Dunaway because Maclaine is his sister. And that would have been a bit weird, to put it mildly.




In The Terminator, James Cameron wasn't quite sure how to make Arnold Schwarzenegger act like a cyborg (surprisingly!) He needed the actor to provide the sense of menace as well as be physically imposing. For the scene where the Terminator is driving through the car park looking for Reese and Sarah, Cameron asked Schwarzenegger to turn his eyes to scan for the target before turning his head to face it.

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Ben Affleck has donned both Batman and Superman costumes on film. He's Batman in the new Batman vs Superman film, but 10 years ago he was in the film Hollywoodland where he played the actor George Reeves, who was Clark Kent/Superman in the 1950s TV version.

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Not tv and film but anyway. Merry Clayton who was the female voice on the rolling Stones gimme shelter was called at midnight,read the lyric and recorded them . afterwards she suffered a miscarriage she felt brought on by the exertions of being woken and then hitting those notes.

Originally there was no female voice in the song

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The scene in Robocop where Clarence Boddicker spits blood on forms is improvised, with the other actors' reactions of shock being genuine as nobody knew he was doing it.


The chest burst scene in Alien was only fully scripted to some of the actors involved in the scene. The blond woman in the scene is visibly shocked at the sudden jump from John Hurt's chest by jumping away.


The scene in alien: Resurrection where Ripley shoots a hoop over her head was her final attempt at a successful score. If unsuccessful CGI would have been used. However Sigourney Weaver was apparently a little disappointed as the ball leaves the shot, re-enters the shot and goes in the basket cleanly, giving the appearance of CGI!

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In the other thread when I posted about Shawshank, I was looking for the appropriate video on Youtube. The scenes take place over a number of videos so I didn't post them, but I DID see a comment that I thought was interesting, and made for a very detailed addition.


At the end when Hadley is being read the Miranda warning ("You have the right to remain silent...etc") outside the prison, the officer is reading it off a cue card. In the story, Andy escapes in 1966, and that's the year the Miranda case was heard in the Supreme Court and acted upon. Reading someone their rights would be new to officers so it's understandable that they'd have needed to refer to cue cards.

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Kung Fu Hustle


If you haven't seen this, don't watch the clip below as it contains SPOILERS. Also, why haven't you seen this? It's a brilliant martial arts film and funny as well. The clip covers many of the film and cultural references that most westerners will have missed and may increase your appreciation of this gem.



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